When those of you became an elder, or even perhaps a person of responsibility in the congregation, what did you become aware of that shocked or suprised you behind closed doors, out of the sight of the rest of the congregation, that you would not have known if it were not for your position?
When you became an elder
by freedom96 13 Replies latest jw friends
Probably the acid-laced kool aid served at elders meetings.
I mentioned some details to this in another post. I would like to add, the main thing ...
"Elders and Servants did everything they told you not to do!!!"
Meaning they were sometimes worse about things then anyone on the congregation was. Only difference, "they often got away with it!"
Take Care
The disrespectful way elders spoke with one another. It really shocked I cried for hours after my first elders meeting. Made me really sad.
Actually, nothing surprised me at the Elders meetings!
1) The most shocking thing was that I was appointed???????
2) Next: shortly after my appointment three other elders formed a committee and dealt with a "situation" without informing the rest of the body. Turns out one of the elders wives was doing the horizional buggy with a ministerial servant. They hushed it up pretty quick. The dancers lost their priviliges but the elder who obviously was not presiding over his household in a fine manner is still an elder today. I was just a kid they didn't need my help to handle things.
3)How little time the other elders actually spent in service. -
After becoming a servant I was dissapointed to see that everything I did not want to believe about the body was true. The talk among certain ones of the body was shocking and I guess reserved for only the "spiritually strong". Expressions of how they hated having to give Sis so in so a ride to the hall every Sunday because of her no good unbelieving mate. The use of the "n" word. The realization that that thier motivations were far from pure. Being directed NOT to take a bible on shepharding calls. Statements like: "So in so will never be a servant as long as I am an elder." A sad confirmation that all I feared about them was true. So very sad and depressing.
The double standards. If you had the COs ear, you were "in" and insulated. Made me sick.
The legalism. Thumbing through the Flock Book, all the information on what is "pornia" and what is not, was really mind boggling to me.
The many closed meetings where Elders who were ticked off at what others in the congragation were wearing, or not wearing or someone were not doing or doing....wow, what a bunch of control freaks.
To sum it all up, the lack of love leading to the wrong motivations to serve, not to dictate to or intimidate into actions, but we needed to serve in love, as a brother.
Edited by - thichi on 3 October 2002 19:48:46
I was a bit shocked to see how much "wrongdoing" was going on, in the clean "New World Society"
And yessiree, [as others have mentioned] the double-standard; the way some elders got the ear of the CO; and also the bitterness in some elder meetings; the attitude [mentioned by Ray Franz as a GB attitude] we better not let the brothers do ANYTHING boderline, 'cause there's not telling what they'll go ahead and do then.
The pettiness, too.
What shocked me was what some ppl will admit to!!!!!!