I'm soooo confused!!! I grew up in the 'truth'. About 4 years ago my parents divorced. My father was never a witness, but my mother was. An elder helped her through the divorce, and even though the divorce wasn't on grounds of adultry, she didn't get disfellowshipped. Shortly after the divorce my mother stopped going to the meetings as much as she did. Work took up most of her time so she began finding less and less time for the meetings. I would go with her to the meetings. So when she stopped going, I stopped going too. Sooo...for these past few years I've been to the meetings few times. A sister stopped by my house one day and asked if i wanted to study, she knew that i used to attend the meetings regularly with my mom. I didn't really WANT to study, but i would feel bad for her and feel guilty if i didn't study. So I studied with this sister for about one year. She was really nice and 'pressured' me into going to the meetings again, though i always 'had something to do' or 'got sick' or 'had something come up last minute' for alot of the meetings to get myself out of going. About 3 weeks ago I moved to college, about 100 miles from home. The sister asked if i wanted her to contact witnesses in the area of my college to continue studying, i said 'sure' because i didn't want to offend her. But i mananged to leave for college before she could ask for my address at college (the first time she asked for it i told her i didn't have it yet). All these years i've been out of the truth, so to say, i've been feeling guilty about not being in the truth. I feel like i've upset Jehovah and like i'm pleasing Satan. Most of all, i feel scared, scared that armaggedon is going to come and i won't be in the truth, scared that i'll die and not get the chance to live forever. After looking at this site, and listening to the first part of that dateline 'silencing of the lambs (i know that not exaclty the title but i can't think of it right now) I'm even more confused. Is this entire religion and lifestyle i've grown up with fake? Is there any truth to Jehovah's Witnesses teachings? I feel the need to abandon it altogether, but i still feel a tie to it, i feel as if there HAS to be some truth to it. Yet i don't feel as 'enthusiastic' about it as i used to, it seems to be a 'chore' to study the bible and whatnot. Well, i just wanted to get these feelings out there, maybe some of my utter confusion can be cleared up. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this...
by santacruzchick 11 Replies latest forum announcements
Welcome to the board, santacruzchick. You are exactly where so many of us had been before, a bit confused and frightened by our separation from the organization. That's exactly the way their program works, the indoctrination includes a heavy guilt trip if you should ever have doubts or ever try to live your own life without the domination of the "mother hen" Watchtower Society.
Of course there "is some truth to it", just as there is some truth in all religions. Yet are they all the true path? They can't be. The Jehovah's Witness set of teachings, as you'll come to see, is merely a recombination of earlier teachings, with some false predictions thrown in. Look up any thread containing "1975" and you'll see what I mean.
So congratulations on beginning your search for YOUR truth, for YOUR spiritual center. Nowhere in any scripture does it say your life must be dominated by an organization led by imperfect men.
Keep reading, keep learning. And have you checked out "Crisis of Conscience" by former JW Governing Body member Raymond Franz? You can easily order it through Barnes and Noble or the Wal-mart website if you're in America. (From your name it sounds like you're in California)
Hope to hear more from you.
Hello and welcome!
Leaving the Organisation is not the same as leaving God. God and the WTS are two completely separate entities, and once you realise that serving God is NOT tied up with serving an organisation, then the guilt will start to fall away. If you read "Crisis of Conscience", as Gopher suggested, you will learn more about the WTS than you ever thought possible, and it will allieve the worries that you have.
As for the Bible, take your time in reading it. God won't judge you for not going to the meetings, service etc. Armageddon isn't going to come tomorrow, and even if it did, don't you think Jehovah would see the good that is in your heart, and take into consideration the concerns that you have?
If you want to, feel free to email me. And congratulations on breaking free from your mother's abuse.
Hello, and welcome to the board. We all understand everything that you are going through right now. Some were there and some still are. Gopher makes a good point saying some of the teachings are truth just like in other religions. As far as armegenden goes, I dont know if i will ever know the real truth about that, but I had gotten to a point in my life that i was so misserable I didnt care if i lived or died today or in armegeden. So what I had to do was make up in my mind that i did derserve to be happy in whatever decision I made, even though we are taught differently. It was not an easy road. I have only been out for about 6 months now. Been inactive for a couple of years off and on, but i am more happy than i have ever been. Hubby is a totally different person. Actually someone I can live with. I hated him as a witness. LOL
But you have to take one day at a time and reprogram your mind and spirit to tell yourself it is ok to do what you feel inside. And evidently you feel it is wrong to to to the hall or you would be going right???
Read the book Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz, and I believe that you will know in your heart that what you are doing is right.
Best wishes in your search.
I realize that it will take me a while to completely feel justified in leaving 'the truth'. I still feel that what I'm doing is wrong, that Jehovah is upset with me. Its extremely difficult to live your entire life according to Jehovah's standards, no birthdays, holidays, pagan influences, etc...; and for it to collapse before you one day. It looks like, for most ppl at this site, they had a gradual falling out of the truth and gradually realized it was wrong. But for me, this all came in one day, somewhat. Before i found this website, i had no idea there was such a revolt against JW teachings. I had no idea of all this, I guess thats why I'm still in disbelief and that it will take time for it all to sink in. One thought that keeps popping up is, 'if Jehovah's Witnesses don't have the truth, who does?' JW teachings and support of their teachings all make perfect sense from the bible. And if it is false, WHY, why does their organization still exist? It seems soo much more pure and 'right' than other religions, or is that just another form of propaganda? And why would this group of elders, or ppl who formed the Watchtower Society create such a fase hope? What do they stand to gain from it? Certainly not praise and the feeling of power and leadership, they give Jehovah all that, and obvioulsy not money. Heh, I guess I should read that book you're all telling me to before I go on and on....
Welcome to the board!
Below you will find some helpful links that will reveal more about "The real Truth about 'the truth'."
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/7831/Shaun's Research on the Jehovah's Witnesses
(Site Contains Photo Documentation )
http://www.jwfiles.com/index.htmThe Occult, Egypt and the Watchtower
(This page contains MANY, MANY more Links for your research)
it seems to be a 'chore' to study the bible and whatnot
Remember what Jesus said about good trees producing good fruit and bad trees producing bad fruit(Matt. 7:17-20)? If a "Bible-based" religion has gotten you so messed up you feel reading it is a "chore" can they be dispensing good fruit?
When I first posted here I was the same as you. I still believed they had the truth on some doctrines at one time, but I don't think they do now. And having learned of all the false prophecies, doctrinal changes, how people are treated, and so on, I don't buy the package anymore.
It'll take a while to resolve these issues in your mind. Read here. Think. Pray. Verify. You've heard their case and now you can get the rebuttal. There's two sides to every story. You no doubt know how the Society feels about sites like this, but,
only Darkness fears the Light.
Some points to ponder...
If Jehovah's always had a "faithful and discreet slave to dispense food at the proper time" who was doing it before Jehovah's Witnesses were formed?
Why, in Rutherford's The Harp of God ((c) 1921), page 114, is Christ shown crucified on a cross?
They say people here are apostates. But every JW who wasn't born into the faith is many times an apostate from some other church. Isn't that "the pot calling the kettle black" in those cases?
If you read the quotations in the magazines concerning what the Society said was expected in 1975, can you then blame people for thinking 1975 was "it?" Was it their fault they hoped too much and were stumbled? (If you don't find it here, though I'm sure it's here, www.freeminds.org has tons of quotes.)
I wish I could take credit for these, but posters wiser than I have made note of them already.
: Is this entire religion and lifestyle i've grown up with fake?
No, the religion is dangerously real. The teachings, leaders and a large number of members are all fakes, though. The lifestyle is real, but it sucks and is definitely based upon the performance of buying and selling WT publications and mesmerizing group indoctrination sessions designed to draw worship to Watchtower leaders. The assemblies are nothing more than worldwide book promotion tours with even LONGER mesmerizing sessions and self-praise for Watchtower leaders.
: Is there any truth to Jehovah's Witnesses teachings
I can think of one: Religion is a Snare and a Racket.
I think that this thread deserves more comments. It is probably being missed because it is in the "Announcements" and not on the "Friends" forum.
Welcome Santa Cruz Chick,
we have some things in common:
1) I was raised in this religion
2) I am going to Santa Cruz today!!
I still feel that what I'm doing is wrong, that Jehovah is upset with me. Its extremely difficult to live your entire life according to Jehovah's standards, no birthdays, holidays, pagan influences, etc...;
I would say that some research would put your mind to rest. Research some (but not in JW books!) and see if GOD SAYS you can't have birthdays. See if GOD SAYS you can't have holidays. Heck, you could even just see if THE BIBLE says any of these things.
In my research I found out that what I had been taught were 'Jehovah's standards' were NOT Jehovah's standards at all. Someone came up with those standards alright, but it wasn't Jehovah!
I now follow Jehovah's standards. I don't follow the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's standards.
Peace on your journey!