I am kind of sad right now!

by KKLUV155 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentinel

    I'm so very sorry to hear about your pet. We grow to love them so, and they become very important to us.

    However, just to let you know, I've heard that blind animals can do quite well without seeing. They have a keen sense of smell, which can guide them around.

    Your little dog will always know you by your scent. She will always come to you when you call, and she will no doubt love you more than ever.

    Are the drops for pain? I don't know too much about glucoma in animals.


  • Windchaser

    Sorry to hear about your little doggie. One of my neighbors has a dog who has been blind for a number of years. The dog does very nicely...and it's been said, your pooch will always feel your love. I am happy that she has such a caring and loving owner.

  • KKLUV155

    Thank you all for your responses. It means alot. I have to take her back to the vet today to see if the eye drops are helping. If not then they are going to take more aggressive action.

    Silverleaf: I am so sorry about your little boy. I hope every thing turns out ok for him. I will pray for him.

    Freefallen: Thank you on the compliments on their grooming. I groom them myself. With 3 dogs it gets kind of expensive to take to groomers.

    I spoil my dogs. My husband had a cabinet made in the bathroom with 3 cubby holes for their beds, I made them each a flannel bed cushion and a quilt to match. They are very loved.

    Thank you all again for the incouraging words.


  • KKLUV155

    I got good news today at the vets office, He did a pressure test on her eyes and said that her left eye was back to normal pressure. Her right is down some but not to normal. It seems the eye drops are helping.

    Just to let you all know.

    Thank You all.


  • Swan

    Dear kkluv,

    Your pup looks a lot like mine. I know how I would feel if anything bad happened to her. She is our baby. It would be devastating. I'm just so glad that the drops seem to be working. I hope they continue to work and your baby will be back to normal in no time. Your vet sounds like a real gem.


  • Silverleaf

    Hi kkluv,

    That's great that the pressures came down so quickly. Your dog must be very good to cooperate for an eye pressure check - my dog has to be muzzled for any kind of exam and I'm sure he'd freak if he had to have anything touch his eyes. Up until recently my son was put under anesthesia for pressure checks but now he's willing to sit for a pressure check in the doc's office which makes life much easier. His drops are beginning to help a little, but it takes a lot more time to stabilize pressures in young children. Thanks for your good thoughts.


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