thoughts about mass death

by obiefernandez 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiefernandez

    Hi everyone,

    I've been doing a bit of self-questioning lately about moral issues. One of the issues I've pondered is my reaction to the September 11th attacks. I was feeling quite bloodthirsty. I wanted revenge. For awhile I was hoping that the USA would wipe the Islamists off the planet or something. I've since backed off that view significantly. I know that in any kind of war action like that there would be many innocents killed. That led to thoughts about the morality of killing. Both from a secular and biblical standpoint there are cases that can be made for justified death of innocents. Israel had no problem going around killing caananites. Strict adherence to the Koran means extermination of the infidel. Most of us civilized people nowadays would express righteous indignation at the slaughter of any group of people.

    All those big political and religious issues are standard issue topics of discussion. I thought of bringing the issue to this forum in the following way. How would you feel about the following scenario. Keep in mind I am not advocating this to happen, merely using the story as a thought experiment:

    A substantial nuclear device is detonated by terrorists in lower Manhattan. Approximately 750 thousand perish instantly, including the entire population of Brooklyn Watchtower and the entire Governing Body which was in Brooklyn for a meeting.

    Apart from the significant implications this would have in so many ways, I am particularly interested in how we apostates would feel about the JWs losing their leadership and much of their publishing capability. The kind, politically-correct voice in the back of my head tells me that I should not delight in that loss. However, due to some personal stuff I am hating the organization in a pretty bad way right now. So the sadistic side of me knows that I would take a dark pleasure in their demise.

    Can any of you identify with these conflicting set of feelings that I have?


  • Mary

    Well I wouldn't want to see the GB killed like that. To me, that would make martyrs out of them...........I would much prefer to see them publically humiliated the way they are now.

    As for terrorism, unfortunately there's going to be innocent civilians lost. Although I find it hard to sympathize with many of these Islamic populations after remembering how they were dancing and cheering in the streets after the towers fell.

    And I think Bush is doing the right thing by wanting to remove Saddam Hussein. Who knows what that wacko has got in mind........and if Bush delays and Saddam releases biological warfare on us over here, everyone would be whining "why didn't you do something about him sooner?!"

  • RedhorseWoman

    Interesting question. Although I would feel badly for those who would die, the destruction of the major publishing arm of the WTS would, in some ways, be a relief, since there would be less opportunity for new ones to become enmeshed in the slow, lingering death that is the Society.

  • Reborn2002

    Apart from the significant implications this would have in so many ways, I am particularly interested in how we apostates would feel about the JWs losing their leadership and much of their publishing capability. The kind, politically-correct voice in the back of my head tells me that I should not delight in that loss. However, due to some personal stuff I am hating the organization in a pretty bad way right now. So the sadistic side of me knows that I would take a dark pleasure in their demise.

    Can any of you identify with these conflicting set of feelings that I have?

    I COMPLETELY understand the conflicting emotions you can have on this very subject.

    Mary made a good point when she said:

    Well I wouldn't want to see the GB killed like that. To me, that would make martyrs out of them...........I would much prefer to see them publically humiliated the way they are now.

    While this is true, I still lust for their death. Fuck every one of them. Their skin melting off as a result of a nuclear attack would not be painful enough.


    How many innocent people, including children, have died needlessly over a blood doctrine?

    How many families have been destroyed and how many have been driven to suicide over the practice of shunning?

    How many people have been denied a higher quality of life because of the suggestion that higher education is inappropriate?

    How many children have been molested only to be silenced to protect the image of the publishing company while the perpetrator roams free?

    How many lives have been ruined... thrown away.. discarded to suit the needs of an organization so as to make money?

    So yes, I believe the Governing Body has many sins to pay for, and while they sit in their ivory tower in Brooklyn overseeing their worldwide work, I would enjoy knowing that all of them were dead.

    The good die young, and the wicked live lavishly into old age.

    Ted Jaracz is an example of that.

    They do not deserve to live.

    (The above post is strictly my OPINION. If any of you have objections to my OPINION, you are entitled, but don't start a flame war. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.)

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 4 October 2002 15:30:24

  • obiefernandez


    Thanks for your opinion. Mine is quite similar. I thought about it a little more later and decided that sudden death by nuke might indeed be a little too generous for the bastards!


  • Realist

    i think it would be much more appreciable if the members of the GB would be found dead with heart attack after a wild sex party!

    Edited by - realist on 4 October 2002 20:48:22

  • comforter

    you people sick to contemplate this thing. comfy see why you no longer in Jehovah's clean organization. we jw do not fear terrorist actions because God promise no weapon formed against us will prevail.

  • Marilyn

    Your questions presented me with a dilemma. I didn't support retaliation over Sept. 11th - I thought it would have been better to take the high moral ground. I don't support going to war with Iraq. Then when you posed the question about the destruction of the Bookyn publishing company, I found it hard to follow thru on the above. I think you might have helped me to understand why so many Americans are feeling vengeful. I must admit that I loath extremists and think the world would be better off without them. But I suspect they are here to stay. We may have to learn to live with them.


  • Kenneson


    Why didn't God protect the Filipino's from terrorist actions? 2 were beheaded and 4 are still hostages. Apparently not all Jehovah's Witnesses have his protection all the time!

  • comforter


    you misunderstood comfy. he did not state that Jehovah will protect jw from being hurt or killed by terrorists or anybody else. even Jesus Christ was killed by his enemies. comfy said that terrorists actions will not strike FEAR in jw and terror plans will not work. they will not PREVAIL gainst jw because God has promised that no waeapon formed gainst jws will prevail. comfy did not say that God will save people from physical death.

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