Where are all these New Anointed Ones Coming from?

by John Aquila 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    Back in the early 70s, right before 1975 we had about 7 or 8 thousand professed anointed. Can’t remember the exact number. But at every convention we were told that the “End Is Close” ---because---the number of anointed is getting SMAller and smaller.

    If any anointed fell away, then probably someone who had been tested for years, would be chosen rather than some new convert.

    Now that number has at least doubled???

    In my old hall there are now two young brothers in their early 20s who are partaking of the emblems and wine and they are ministerial servants. In the adjoining hall there is a sister in her 20s also professing to be of the anointed and her father is an elder.

    I talked to these kids and there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with them mentally. One even got married less than a year ago to a sister who I believe is 19 years old. She still hangs around with the teenage kids and got spoken to by the elders because one of her teenage friends turned her in because she was bragging that “Once you’ve had an anointed in bed, you never go back to the great crowd”

    Anyway I asked one of them, “Why would Jehovah pick you instead of the old brother in your hall who is in his 80s, been an elder since the 70s, been in jail for the neutrality issue, and pioneered for years?

    He answers, “Well I can’t answer that but I can tell you this, Jehovah reads the heart”

    I find it interesting that when they studied to get baptized, they were directed to paradise earth. Nevertheless they of their own free will have chosen to go to heaven and rule all of humankind. And they REALLY, BELIEVE THIS.

    So what’s up with that? Does anyone have any clues why many are choosing to go to heaven instead of paradise earth?

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  • JakeM2012

    Well, who wants to live under the rule of the Nazi Governing Body forever. If they get to heaven, at least they might be able to bring some order and reason to the rule over the earth.

    IF, AND only IF, If you still believe all that mumbo-jumbo.

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  • oppostate
    He answers, “Well I can’t answer that but I can tell you this, Jehovah reads the heart”

    You could have responded with "Ah, I know the Bible says Jehovah can read the heart, but the heart is treacherous, who can really know it? Did you read your own heart?"

    But really, there's a lot of new partakers because they saw the man behind the curtain when the WT published that the teaching of the anointing door closing in 1935 was, uhmmmm, a lie. So anyone reading the NT and putting faith in what they read, without trusting the WT's shaky interpretations any longer, is going to be aware that all Christians are considered anointed with Holy Spirit and have the hope of a heavenly life.

    The GB knows that many of these folks aren't drinking the Kool-ade any more and they've taken away the FDS "appointment" away from them and given it to themselves.

    If you're an awake still-in JW and you still have faith in God and Christ, then as a believing Christian you should "observe" the Memorial by partaking, not "observe" by looking on.

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  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    “Once you’ve had an anointed in bed, you never go back to the great crowd”

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  • LorenzoSmithXVII

    Per the Bible, all the "other sheep" were to be invited into the anointed class. That is, the vineyard workers are divided into two groups. The first to come in knew they would get the "penny" which was heavenly life. The workers work for 11 hours. Each hour is 7 years. So from the third-hour workers, they were not told what they would get, and naturally, expected something less, less than a day's wage. So this reflects the two-class system of the witnesses after 1935. 3 hours end after 21 years. 1914 + 21 + 1935. So the "other sheep" are the ones recognized as the third-hour workers, those who did not expect the "penny" that the earliest workers did. Everyone who was first a witness/Bible Student from 1914 were all of the "anointed."

    But then, surprise, surprise, when the 12th hour arrived, which would be 7 years from 1991 to 1998, when the workers are paid, turns out EVERY WORKER get's the "penny"! This is a huge surprise to the first-hour workers who murmur against this. That just means the original old anointed ones were not expecting this. But technically, that means the "other sheep" who were not expecting the penny end up being invited into the heavenly class during the 12th hour from 1991-1998. The last will be first.

    So, if there happens to be an increase in those partaking, that is just of those who don't understand that after Christ arrives there is no need to partake any more. You see, the Memorial was to be celebrated in the absence of Christ until he arrived. But after he arrives, he eats the first passover upon his return and then ends that ceremony! People now ask why if Christ arrived in 1914 as they claim why are they still celebrating the Passover/Memorial? Good question. Anyway, the majority of the other sheep who understand their anointing don't partake any more. But some who understand they are anointed and don't know that detail mmight insist upon partaking and thus it is expected that the actual number of the "anointed" partaking would see an increase. That's why!

    So in reality, many, many, many more are of the anointed, except they know not to partake. But for those who don't quite understand it, they partake and that's the legitimate increase they are seeing.

    Furthermore, the 144,000 is just ONE-TENTH of the entire number (Isa 6:13). The natural Jews make up the "root" of the kingdom tree, just 1/10th. So if the 144K make up the root of 1/10th, then the gentiles make up the 90% of the tree and thus the total number of the elect are not just 144,000 but 1,440,000! Per the Bible, of course, many chosen didn't show up and begged off and so there were lots of empty seats that had to be fulfilled by outsiders. Etc.

    Anyway, I have to run. A close friend/relative of mine just lost her eldest sister and I'm going to go and just be supportive. She just died this morning.

    Have a great weekend everybody!

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  • FayeDunaway
    Agreed VI, that was CLASSIC.
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    Uhhh..... Yeah....

    Anyway, the WTBTS has said that the DECREASING anointed is proof of the END being near! Now they either flip-flop, admit to being clueless, or ignore the subject until they reveal David Splane's ( The new Fred Franz ) "shelved idea"/ nu-light.

    Guess which avenue they chose???


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  • JamesThomas


    Generally we all really believe what the mind tells us, as we have not yet awaken enough to see that we silently watch the mind, and it is not what we are.

    Do you know that?

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  • truthseeker100

    The natural Jews make up the "root" of the kingdom tree, just 1/10th. So if the 144K make up the root of 1/10th, then the gentiles make up the 90% of the tree and thus the total number of the elect are not just 144,000 but 1,440,000! Per the Bible, of course, many chosen didn't show up and begged off and so there were lots of empty seats that had to be fulfilled by outsiders. Etc.

    Lorenzo that sounds like the overlapping generation hogwash put out by the FDS class.

    So GoG of MAGoG is the Nazis, and now there are 1.4 Million elect or chosen ones and only 8 or 9 assholes in Brooklyn who are the faithful and discreet slave that make up the GB. According to you. Do you have any proof of this? Let me guess that is only for the religious because it comes from religious prophecy. I'll easily believe in prophesy when you or anyone else can prophesy what the winning numbers are going to be in the lotteries around the world in advance.

    Give me my next 649 Lotto Numbers and I'll split the profit with you when we win.

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  • Syme

    It is quite possible that they indeed believe it; after all, think just how many millions (or, better, billions) of religious men and women all around the world believe that they will go to heaven after they die.

    So, why all the fuss? Religious belief in impossible scenarios (to the point of delusion) is, alas, the rule in humans, not the exception.

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