I guess attending a perormance of the Messiah was out, as far as Dubs were concerned - does anyone know?
Handel's Messiah
by Stephanus 18 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know why it would be out. All of the lyrics Bible verses. A long time ago, our Theocratic Ministery School Servant came to our house and sang almost the entire piece of music. (He had been a professional singer becoming a Witness.) It was beautiful.
The lord's prayer that they used to say in school is totally from the bible, but we still couldn't do it, as dubs.
Yes, Larc, it is one of the most moving things you can ever experience, IMO. I just had the thought when I was reading another thread about not standing for the national anthem - what about the Halelujah Chorus?
My guess is that it would be definitely OUT, when held under "new light"
I had my stereo on some public radio and they were playing some church chantings as I call them. They are just prayers. I really hadn't noticed them on and the "sister" in the car asked me to turn it off. I did thinking it was cus many people do not share my love for classical music (not that chants are "classical" but you know my point) She then added that they were singing catholic prayers. Gosh, how horrid they must've been. Good thing I don't speak latin! I could have been mislead by demons! In my own car!!!!!
While you won't find any written rules against such a thing, a JW's
Watchtower mental shacklesBible-trained conscience would prevent them from attending. -
I did a search through the 97 wt cdrom. It said nothing negative about the song. In fact it spoke positively about it. This song is probably ok for dubs. If you want the quotes, i will provide.
I think because it has mostly been performed at or around the holidays it has a conotation of being a holiday thang...you really dont hear it much outside that reference. My guess is you wouldnt catch a dub dead at one. The first thing I did after I DAd in 1997 was buy tickets for my daughter and I to go watch a performance of that...and the Nutcracker. :)
Another thing I just remembered about the Messiah is that it is usually done at Christmas time - another reason for wondering about Dub attendance. However, if it gets good reviews in the 'Tower, it must be okay - isn't high control religion marvellous - everything has to be considered on a case by case basis!
I had my stereo on some public radio and they were playing some church chantings as I call them. They are just prayers. I really hadn't noticed them on and the "sister" in the car asked me to turn it off. I did thinking it was cus many people do not share my love for classical music (not that chants are "classical" but you know my point) She then added that they were singing catholic prayers. Gosh, how horrid they must've been. Good thing I don't speak latin! I could have been mislead by demons! In my own car!!!!!
Heh, heh! You remind me of my experience with the house-leader over the Macedonian music I was playing, in this thread:
I did a search through the 97 wt cdrom. It said nothing negative about the song. In fact it spoke positively about it. This song is probably ok for dubs. If you want the quotes, i will provide.
Although I do not have the CDROM, I remember the reference. At the time, I had a vinyl recording of Messiah and I would sing along with it. (My voice was much better in those days!) I can remember feeling vindicated with Big Brother said this music was based entirely on scripture, and therefore OK.
I know several Witnesses in our area who attend the annual December performance of The Nutcracker Suite - deffinitely a Christmas theme!
Keep in mind, during the Baroque period, the primary way music was commissioned and performed was through the Church. We owe them for that, at least.