Very good points made about reprogramming yourself not to have to answer the door or phone.
It made me think , that .....because JW children are so taught to listen to their elders, older ones, and obey, they are so much more open to being molested. That after all is the key way a molester uses his "adult" powers over a child. When I was a kid, growing up JW, you didnt question the "older men", you didnt question adults for that matter. Now that so much of this is going on, not just in JW land, but everywhere, there is so much more education on how to teach our kids.
Like yall said, we have to as adult learn to say no, to those phone calls, or other things that take us away from things more important. We have to teach our kids the same. I had a phone salesman get ugly with my little boy, for not getting me on the phone fast enough, boy did he get an earful when I got on the phone!. I told my son, he doesnt have to take that , and to hang up on anyone like that again. Actually we try not to let the younger kids answer the phone, but it happens at times.
But it scared my son, the way he talked to him and then my son got angry, and I said, you have a right to be angry, just because he is a grown up , doesnt give him an excuse to be rude.
Maybe by telling our kids now, they have rights, they can say no, they can question, they will not be like so many JW children that are silent victims. Then maybe they will grown up to be strong adults that will not let others push them around either.