What's the difference betwen the kingdom that Jesus mentioned and the government that is mentioned in Daniel that will crush "all the other kingdoms". Are they one and the same? Is one a part of the other? Are they entirely different entities? Tell me....
heavenly kingdom = government in Bible?
by Preston 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hi Preston:
Excellent question!
Actually the Kingdom that Jesus referred to in John 18:36, "which is not of this world", is not one and the same with the kingdom of Daniel 2:44, which crushes "all other kingdoms" upon earth and "it itself stands to time indefinite". Instead the latter earthly "kingdom" exists and acts more as an extension and physical representation of the Grander Heavenly Governmental arrangement or "kingdom" in Heaven. So the Bible teaches us that God actually has two (2) distinct and separate "kingdoms" or governments that he uses to accomplish all of his purposes, of which it is to be understood the earthly arrangement is always subservient to Greater, All-Pervasive Heavenly Governmental arrangement that was promised to Jesus Christ. Here is a simple breakdown of each.
1) The latter government mentioned above is indeed an earthly "kingdom" or government that actually starts out here on earth, as the "tiniest [smallest] of mustard seeds" from a human standpoint, but grows up to be a powerful EARTHLY GOVERNMENTAL arrangement which eventually engulfs the entire earth. Interestingly, this earthly "kingdom" was foretold to have the most dubious beginning, even something that could be "despised" by man because of its "smallness" -- before God exalts it to earthly greatness. (Daniel 2:34, 35, 44, 45; Ezekiel 17:22-24; Zechariah 4:10; Mark 4:30-32) This earthly government will be headed up by a mystery figure, unknown to mankind today, and yet vividly described as being the "Chieftain" of Ezekiel 44:1-3, 45:22 and 46:16,17. He will prove to be a "christian" follower of Jesus Christ and will rule the earth from this new future "temple" arrangement spoken of in Ezekiel chapters 40-48. This EARTHLY government will be eternal and everlasting. (Daniel 7:13, 14, 18) We can be assured of this because of what Ezekiel himself said about that holy city, "The name of the city FROM THAT DAY ON will be Jehovah Himself Is There." Thus, this "kingdom" or "city" that sits upon a great and lofty Mountain, actually lasts forever. It is God's Earthly Governmental Arrangement. (Ezekiel 40:2; 48:35)
The prophets of old referred to this earthly kingdom many times. For instance, Isaiah and Micah showed it as being "Zion", a lofty mountain, where countless nations willingly "beat their swords into plowshares" and "learn war no more". These individuals literally "stream" to this new earthly governmental arrangement, in the "final part of the days". Daniel referred to it as a "Mountain of Decoration" that Jehovah God protects from the attack of the "King of the North", in the last days. But before this new governmental arrangement can take place, serious issues have to resolved. Godly discipline must come upon earthly "Israel" as God's seat of governmental rule, before the full establishment of this new earthly government. Once established and "Israel" is restored to God's full favor, it then begins its rule over earth everlastingly with God's backing. (Isa. 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4; Daniel 11:44,45; Isaiah 4:2-6; Micah 4:6,7)Unbeknowst to JWs and the WTS, this explains why Revelation 5:9, 10 shows this "kingdom" actually rules "UPON THE EARTH", rather than "over the earth", just as the WTS' NWT Kingdom Interlinear Word-for-Word Bible clearly shows.
2) Of course, this earthly kingdom definitely differs from the kingdom that Jesus spoke of and directed first century christians to look to as their "heavenly inheritance" since it operates always UNDERNEATHE the Heavenly Governmental arrangement as a subsidiary or extension of that all-pervasive government in Heaven. This is true at all times. Nevertheless, God's word shows the heavenly governmental arrangement of Jesus, definitely was NOT to last forever or eternally. The particular governmental arrangement that Jesus spoke of clearly existed IN HEAVEN, where Jesus Christ and his associate kings and rulers were to rule in the very presence of the Great August One, Jehovah God. This clearly is a UNIVERSAL RULERSHIP, including all of God's creation, visible or invisible. Its scope covers both heaven and earth, as Jesus said at Matthew 28:18. Jesus was to have "authority" over both "heaven and earth". The Bible shows this "rulership" actually started in the first century starting with Jesus' heavenly resurrection to spirit life and being "declared a Son" in the ultimate sense. (Romans 1:4) Jesus became a "conqueror" at this time. Also, Jesus promised his disciples that they too would become "conquerors" too. And as such, they would join him in that particular heavenly rulership. They would be allowed to "sit upon his throne", just as Jesus had been permitted to "sit upon Jehovah's Throne" in heaven. (Rev. 3:21)
But this kingdom's seat of government was heavenly, not earthly. This is the vital difference. Additionally, this heavenly rulership of Jesus and his followers would prove to be only temporary, and not permanent. Another vital difference. That is, the governmental rule of Jesus where, as it were, he rules from God's Throne, sitting at God's Right Hand would not last forever. It would have definite ending point. It was not meant to last forever. We know because of Paul's words where he stated that Jesus' kingdom must GO BACK TO GOD HIMSELF. Jesus must "hand over" the "kingdom" back to God Almighty. This means at some point, Jesus gives up his heavenly governmental rule, and returns it to his God and His Father, Jehovah. Jesus "turns the kingdom over" to Jehovah, when Jesus has fully accomplished Jehovah's will toward the earth, namely by the complete removal of the effects of adamic death, sin and the complete removal and destruction of all human "governments and authorities" upon earth as "enemies placed under his feet" in subjection. (Hebrews 1:3; 2:8; 1 Cor. 15:24-28)
Hope this helps.
Edited by - bjc2012 on 6 October 2002 14:4:9
Edited by - bjc2012 on 7 October 2002 7:50:36
Edited by - bjc2012 on 7 October 2002 8:4:52
Edited by - bjc2012 on 7 October 2002 8:25:22
Actually the Kingdom that Jesus referred to in John 18:36, "which is not of this world", is not one and the same with the kingdom of Daniel 2:44, which crushes "all other kingdoms" upon earth. So the Bible teaches us that God actually has two (2) separate "kingdoms" or governments that he uses to accomplish all of his purposes.
There is no such thing as two separate governments that God actually uses to accomplish all his purpose as you claim. Take a closer look at John 18:36. What does it teach?
:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
What world was Jesus discussing? Was it another place outside or earth? Or was it the world then existing with the Roman Empire in charge that had authority over His life? And if this should happen at another time in another world not under Romes authority what would Jesus have done? He would have ordered his (human) servants to fight. This is not a reference to another kingdom somewhere else but to another time in history in which this same kingdom under discussion would eventually exist. For it is written:
Acts 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Therefore this kingdom will be here on earth in that world "hence" yet to come.
As for 44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
The one that will rule in this kingdom is none other that the one that was prophesied to sit on the throne of David. The use of prophetic names and references as used in Daniel and other places do not alter such facts. Regarding the Christ our King the one who will rule as God over man we have this irrefutable proof:
Heb. 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. 9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
This is a fact authorized by God Himself and no other human will rule over man in this kingdom with its inherent throne as you stated. Only this God here described this human like David is anointed above his fellows, his brothers that were created by him in the first place. You should know by now that the term heavenly does not in itself designate another place other that earth, but a place of authority over mankind. For the promise given to the twelve for that world was this:
Luke 22:30 That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Edited by - JosephMalik on 6 October 2002 10:25:36
Edited by - JosephMalik on 6 October 2002 10:28:57 if to is and formatting.
Edited by - JosephMalik on 6 October 2002 10:33:2
I never really thought of "the kingdom" as being the same as God's government. I enjoyes BJC's persuasive argument as well as Joseph's rebuttal. Still... a kingdom is really something that you rule over. When Herod offered part of his kingdom to Heroditas (?) he wasn't giving her a position in the government, she was how4ever, offered what he was ruling over. The same with the kingdom. I see the kingdom (at least in the context of the Bible) as being what God's government (in Daniel) rules over.
A kingdom is government, but a government that is ruled by a king. We can parse out features, identify leaders, subjects and people of influence even interchange terms but this changes nothing. Notice:
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Authority can be given or taken away. And Herod was only an appointed official as the real rulers were in Rome. So what he did was only relative, offering a piece of the action not real control. But such context is often not visible if we do not think such passages through or become too hung up on words. You see that was all the authority he had. And the context in all this discussion is rule over the earth not the universe. The role of God and His authority over everything is entirely a different matter. We are not discussing that to any great extent. Yet for this kingdom under discussion all power has been granted to His Son.
:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Now the Watchtower throws around words such as God's government to draw attention away from the Christ who is really in charge of us. They do not want you to focus on the texts that teach that you are to follow Jesus as they want to be in charge. A search for God's government in scripture will pull up Isaiah 9:6 a prophecy and nothing more. Handing this kingdom back to God after the final test proves the points made here. You see the scriptures pretty much end at that point and we will have to wait for further revelation to see beyond such a time.
P.S. Take this verse for example:
2 Timothy 4:18 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Who's kingdom? The Lord's (Jesus) kingdom. And what did Paul call it? His heavenly kingdom which is the same as calling it His Godly kingdom and this is not the same as God's kingdom (an absolute reference. To Jews the term heaven or heavenly means the same thing as God and Godly. This is in keeping with their aversion to using sacred names or terms.
Edited by - JosephMalik on 6 October 2002 15:56:46
Hi Preston:
I'm glad you enjoyed my comments on the mysterious "kingdom" of God -- a Grand "mystery" [or "sacred secret"] of God's making. (See Mark 4:11.)
I see the kingdom (at least in the context of the Bible) as being what God's government (in Daniel) rules over.
Essentially Preston, that is the way I view it too. Only, I see the "kingdom" mentioned in Daniel 2:34, 35, 44, 45 as being "cut out of a mountain" arrangement that ALREADY EXISTS on earth. I believe this earthly "mountain" arrangement that already exists actually represents the spiritual nation of "Israel" upon earth, in its wayward, apostate state. Thus the dramatic scene depicts God's Mighty Hand rescueing the righteous who dwell helplessly in this "apostate"situation, and making a "kingdom" of out of them. In other words, Almighty God selects the appropriate people from that spiritual nation, who would and should make up (according to His Wise estimation) the new earthly "kingdom" arrangement of His choosing, and makes them INTO a "kingdom" where they appropriately rule "upon earth" as Revelation 5:9, 10 foretold. Thus, these individuals proceed from a previously existing EARTHLY arrangement, a "mountain" where Almighty God "cuts" them out to become this magnificent "stone" of authority. And of course, we notice this "kingdom" stone is "cut out without hands", human hands, so we see Jehovah God actually does all of the choosing and selecting of the makeup of this earthly "kingdom" governmental arrangement that eventually engulfs the entire earth, so no mistakes will be made in personnel choice. It will be a perfect, earthly arrangement to God's satisfaction.
This is why we can say, the Kingdom that Jesus referred to in John 18:36, "which is not of this world", is not one and the same with the kingdom of Daniel 2:44, which crushes "all other kingdoms" upon earth and "it itself stands to time indefinite". Instead the latter earthly "kingdom" exists and acts more as an extension and physical representation of the Grander Heavenly Governmental arrangement or "kingdom" in Heaven. So the Bible teaches us that God actually has two (2) separate and distinct "kingdoms" or governments that he uses to accomplish all of his purposes, of which it is to be understood the earthly arrangement is always subservient to Greater, All-Pervasive Heavenly Governmental arrangement that was promised to Jesus Christ.
The latter government can be distinguished from the heavenly one as an earthly "kingdom" or governmental arrangement that actually starts out here on earth, as the "tiniest [smallest] of mustard seeds" from a human standpoint, but grows up to be a powerful EARTHLY GOVERNMENTAL "PLANT" or "stone" which eventually engulfs the entire earth. Interestingly, this earthly "kingdom" was foretold to have the most dubious of beginnings, even something that could be "despised" by man because of its "smallness" -- before God exalts it to its rightful state of earthly greatness. (Daniel 2:44, 45; Ezekiel 17:22-24; Zechariah 4:10; Mark 4:30-32)
Unbeknowst to JWs and the WTS, this explains why Revelation 5:9, 10 shows this "kingdom" actually rules "UPON THE EARTH", rather than "over the earth", just as the WTS' NWT Kingdom Interlinear Word-for-Word Bible clearly shows.
Hope this helps.
Edited by - bjc2012 on 7 October 2002 9:1:37
Almighty God "cuts" them out to become this magnificent "stone" of authority. And of course, we notice this "kingdom" stone is "cut out without hands", human hands, so we see Jehovah God actually does all of the choosing and selecting of the makeup of this earthly "kingdom" governmental arrangement that eventually engulfs the entire earth, so no mistakes will be made in personnel choice.
Choosing His Son to perform the tasks indicated above is the only choosing and selecting required of Jehovah God to perform this mission and fulfill this prophecy. Jehovah God delegates authority in much the same way as He authorized the creation of mankind to this same Son identified as the WORD at that time. So we have:
John 5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son :
And the selection of and the makeup of this earthly kingdom will consist of sheep not goats as all humanity that ever existed is selected by this Son. So we have:
:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
Proof therefore that it is the Son not Jehovah God does the choosing to which you refer above. After all there is only one kingdom and all resurrected mankind will live here on this earth as immortal human beings. And as Paul taught such human beings in this kingdom will be immortal at that time.
BJC said: This is why we can say, the Kingdom that Jesus referred to in John 18:36, "which is not of this world", is not one and the same with the kingdom of Daniel 2:44, which crushes "all other kingdoms" upon earth and "it itself stands to time indefinite". Instead the latter earthly "kingdom" exists and acts more as an extension and physical representation of the Grander Heavenly Governmental arrangement or "kingdom" in Heaven.
This was already discussed earlier in this thread. No evidence for two kingdoms was provided by you and the expression kingdom in heaven does not exist in scripture. Notice how this Jewish expression used by Matthew is rendered to Gentile audiences in Luke:
Matt. 11,11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
Luke 7:28 For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.
Both expressions are identical in meaning and implication. Mark also used kingdom of God in his Gospel. Now which expression did our Lord actually use? It is the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven not the kingdom in heaven to which we look forward and this kingdom will exist here on earth in its entirety ruled by Christ until it is finally returned to His Father after all is said and done.
No one will go to heaven as the WT teaches as the seed sown was human and the seed that will result will be human. Only one mans seed qualified for both human and spirit realms and that seed was Jesus. No other human seed had a prior existencs as a non human. It is that simple.
John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
The glory of man will on the other hand be the same as the glory Christ had while existing as an immoral human being. This is what was sacrificed in our behalf and this is the remarkable feature of this kingdom. You see Christ regained what Adam lost for us while still here on earth. And that something was a transfiguration from mortality to immortality. No other human was completely transfigured in this manner so that they were illuminated right through their clothing. This is what Adam would have experienced if he had eaten from the tree of life. This is the glory awaiting all found worthy by Jesus the Son of man. Joseph
There is no such thing as two separate governments that God actually uses to accomplish all his purpose as you claim.
Who does the Bible teach to be the future "Chieftain" mentioned in Ezekiel 44:1-3, 45:22, and 46:16,17, and what is his position with God?
Edited by - bjc2012 on 7 October 2002 15:30:3
There is no such thing as two separate governments that God actually uses to accomplish all his purpose as you claim.
Who does the Bible teach to be the future "Chieftain" mentioned in Ezekiel 44:1-3, 45:22, and 46:16,17, and what is his position with God?
To insist that there are two kingdoms, you must prove your point not imagine it using symbolic or prophetic texts that say no such thing. It is recognized by many that the verses you refer to in Ezekiel simply use features of the Jewish Law covenant to depict the organization, order of and the responsibilities of those involved in this kingdom, the right or passage the reasoing behind it and authority of the Prince depicted therein. And this Prince is commonly understood by all to be the Christ. Thus we can look up a reference like Matthew Henrys commentary as just one example and see:
III. This oblation must be given for the prince in Israel, #Eze 45:16. Some read it to the prince, and understand it of Christ, who is indeed the prince in Israel, to whom we must offer our oblations, and into whose hands we must put them, to be presented to the Father. Or, They shall give it with the prince; every private person shall bring his oblation, to be offered with that of the prince; for it follows (#Eze 45:17). It shall be the princes part to provide all the offerings, to make reconciliation for the house of Israel. The people were to bring their oblations to him according to the foregoing rules, and he was to bring them to the sanctuary, and to make up what fell short out of his own. Note, It is the duty of rulers to take care of religion, and to see that the duties of it be regularly and carefully performed by those under their charge,
As disciples we are expected to bring our offerings and add them to those of the Prince and this is why what we are as human beings and how we treat others matters so much to Christ. This is why the sheep who did good to their fellow man are saved and worthy to enter into it. Where is your proof? Quoting a lot of texts and making up imaginary scenarios does not cut it. The existence of only one Kingdom in the hands of the Christ has already been established. Christ opened this door to the one everlasting kingdom. It is our responsibility to attain entrance.
2 Peter 1:11 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Edited by - JosephMalik on 7 October 2002 23:31:34
...this Prince is commonly understood by all to be the Christ.
Did you say, "commonly understood by ALL..."?
You are greatly mistaken. For example the highly respected Expositors Bible Commentary differs greatly with your foolish conclusion.
But before we go there, for the benefit of those just tuning in on this discussion, let's quote the actual verses in question to get a better glimpse at this future "Prince", to see if reputable Bible Scholars in unison understand him to be Jesus Christ, as you say above.
First, we read at Ezekiel 44:1-3 the following mysterious information about a FUTURE Temple of God's making and blessing,
"And he proceeded to bring me back by way of the gate of the Sanctuary, the outer one facing east, and it was shut. Then Jehovah said to me: "As regards this gate, shut is how it will continue. It will not be opened, and no mere man will come in by it; for Jehovah himself, the God of Israel, has come in by it, and it must continue shut. However, the chieftain -- as chieftain he himself will sit in it [the east gate], in order to eat bread before Jehovah. By way of the porch of the gate he will come in, and by way of it he will go out." -- Ezekiel 44:1-3
"And on that day, in his own behalf and in behalf of all the people of the land, the chieftain must provide a young bull as a sin offering." -- Ezekiel 45:22
Who is this mystery "Chieftain." Is it Jesus Christ? Or is it someone else. He is said to make a "sin" offering for himself as well as for the people of the nation? Who could this be? Can we find the answers to these questions in the Bible?
Interestingly, the Expositors Bible Commentary Volume 6 (released in 1986) page 974 makes this open, honest, and straightforward comment on the "chieftain's" identity by saying:
"Only the prince was permitted to enter this gate. He must enter and leave by way of the portico from the outer court only. His only function within that gate was to eat bread in the presence of the LORD, but exactly which meal or for what purpose is not stated.
"The identity of this prince has been a puzzle to many. The meaning of the Hebrew word nasi has in itself contributed to the problem. The English word prince connotes royalty. However, the word nasi would best be translated "leader" (cf. E.A. Speiser, "Background and Function of the Biblical Nasi," CBQ 25 [1963]: 111-17). This leader was not the Messiah, because the leader is made a sin offering for himself (cf. 45:22). If the leader" were Jesus Christ, then he, the Messiah, would need cleansing from sin. Such was not possible (cf. Heb 4:15). In addition, this leader had natural children (46:16), another impossibility for the Messiah. THE LEADER WAS A MAN. Some have identified him with David, citing Eze. 34:23-24 and Eze. 37:24 as support. However, these passages have been shown above to apply to the Messiah, not David.
"The identity of the leader is unknown. He functions as the people's leader in their millennial worship, almost like a high priest, but not having the same role and function." -- See Expositors Bible Commentary Volume 6, page 974
And I have more reputable sources who say the same thing.
Therefore, your lack of Bible Scholarship is showing here, to foolishly claim this person spoken of in Ezekiel's Future Temple is Jesus Christ. Serious students of Holy Scripture know better.
Today, it behooves us all to show ourselves studious individuals of God's Word. Lest we miss very important "details" of scripture and prophecy that could provide "missing links" of info pertainent to our receiving a fuller understanding of God's Grand Purposes for us all, as revealed in Holy Scripture. And it is equally as important to be genuinely interested in re-discovering and discussing the "deep things of God", matters of "serious concern," to all ardent students of Holy Scripture. -- 1 Cor. 2:10; Phil. 4:8
The topic of the Mystery "Chieftain" is one such subject.
As most JWs know, not much "research" has been done on the above subject by WTS. It seems, (as with many other difficult topics) the WTS has basically avoided this subject, with only casual mention of it here and there in their literature. A few printed comments mentions the "Chieftain" representing the "Princes" over the earth, during the 1,000 year reign of peace, taken from Isa. 32nd chapter and Psalms 45th. -- See "The Nations Shall Know that I Am Jehovah - How?" pages 401-405; Watchtower 2/15/80 page 24; 1973 Watchtower pages 426-428.
However even this conclusion reached by JWs is also false. Why?
Well, this is because the mystery "Chieftain" or "Prince" has "Sons," and "Servants," clearly with the approval of Jehovah God. Yes, "Sons," who receive an "inheritance" like himself. And God specifically say the "Prince" has "servants" too. Yes, "Servants". Almighty God says, this imperfect descendant of Adam, the "Prince" does possess such.
Ezekiel 46:16, 17 says,
"This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, In case the chieftain should give a gift to each one of his sons as his inheritance, it itself will become the property of his sons themselves. It is their possession by inheritance. And in case he should give a gift from his inheritance to one of his servants, it must also become his until the year of liberty; and it must return to the chieftain. On his inheritance -- as regards his sons -- is what should continue to belong to their own selves."
The WTS and JWs say the "Prince" or "Chieftain" of Ezekiel's Future Temple, pictures the elders in the congregations as a group. However, after reading the above verses, we can't imagine the present-day "elders" among JWs of today, if ever permitted at all in the 1,000 year reign of Peace, to ever, ever, ever be permitted to have "Servants," [literally "Slaves" fnt NWT Lg Prt Ref Bibl] or even spiritual "Sons", during that wonderful time of peace and righteousness, can we? The WTS "elder body" of JWS, no, could never, ever rightfully hold such a position before Jehovah God during this such a wonderful period, the Millenlium of Peace. They have done nothing to merit this high respect of others of mankind. No they have not. So, how could they ever have what Jehovah calls, "slaves," attending to them. No, no "slaves" or "servants" could they have, in any sense of the word. No they cannot...they are clearly unworthy of such an honor.
So obviously, the JWs "elders" cannot in any way picture this mystery "Chieftain" while in the 1,000 year reign of peace.
Obviously, something unusual is going on here, since the mystery "Chieftain" is himself, clearly a "sinner" and indeed, does have "slaves" or "servants", all approved by Jehovah God.
And as for the "Chieftain" or "Prince" picturing Jesus Christ himself?
Ezekiel 45:22 clearly says of the mystery "Chieftain,
"And on that day, in his own behalf and in behalf of all the people of the land, the chieftain must provide a young bull as a sin offering."
There can be no doubt, he is infact, a "sinner," a sinful descendant of Adam. So then, what did this mystery "Chieftain" do to merit such rank and authority in the eyes of the whole camp of Israel, and more importantly, in the eyes of Jehovah God?
He must have done something, quite significant to have gained such favor with Almighty God Himself... And the Bible shows he has indeed!!! .
Your move...
Edited by - bjc2012 on 8 October 2002 13:1:27