Long before I woke up as a born in, this never, I mean never ever had any good explanation for me, or not even a bad one. The jws seem to have an explanation for everything even if it is bat shit cray, but the logic to this I have never been given.
If you ask did god put Satan there to test/tempt whatever adam and eve, the answer would be of course not! That would mean YHWH is a big ol meany. Yet this 1000 year bull shit, what is that?
Look at the words of the glorious WT "Satan will be “released from his prison” for a short time to make a final attempt to mislead perfect mankind. After that, the Devil will be destroyed."
Now think about that. To make a final attempt to mislead perfect mankind. ie AGAIN. God knows its coming, and is the one letting him do it. Ok theists, amuse me, please, because this may be one of the biggest cluster f&%$s of the bible in my opinion. Does god want satan testing mankind or not? adam and eve no, 1000 years yes. Just talking about this I feel like I need to take some crazy pills.