Satan Let Out After 1000 Years, Makes Sense... or no?

by freemindfade 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freemindfade

    Long before I woke up as a born in, this never, I mean never ever had any good explanation for me, or not even a bad one. The jws seem to have an explanation for everything even if it is bat shit cray, but the logic to this I have never been given.

    If you ask did god put Satan there to test/tempt whatever adam and eve, the answer would be of course not! That would mean YHWH is a big ol meany. Yet this 1000 year bull shit, what is that?

    Look at the words of the glorious WT "Satan will be “released from his prison” for a short time to make a final attempt to mislead perfect mankind. After that, the Devil will be destroyed."

    Now think about that. To make a final attempt to mislead perfect mankind. ie AGAIN. God knows its coming, and is the one letting him do it. Ok theists, amuse me, please, because this may be one of the biggest cluster f&%$s of the bible in my opinion. Does god want satan testing mankind or not? adam and eve no, 1000 years yes. Just talking about this I feel like I need to take some crazy pills.

  • brandnew
    brandnew , i could'nt and still can't understand the logic in that bullshit story. Its like jeehoober is up there getting wasted and watching all the mess down here unfold....

    And just when mankind is getting his shit together, all perfect and stuff..... BAM! ! ! let the games begin again.....let ol satan out....

    Must get boring up in heaven...

  • LostGeneration
    I have no idea how Babylon the Grape (RIP Farkel) interprets this scripture, but you make a great point about how JWs interpret it. Seriously, dude upstairs must have some sort of ant farm fetish, except humans are the ants.
  • C0ntr013r

    If I remember correctly, the "explanation" was that Satan is going to test everyone one last time when everyone is "perfect" just like he tested Jesus. We have to stand firm like he did and prove that we are worthy, because there wont be any excuse like sinfulness or such.

    All the people who died through the ages and are being resurrected, who never learned about the JWs, also need to have their faith tested.

    Satan will get one last "chance" to deceive the nations??? And then the universal "issue" will be resolved once and for all...

    Yeah, pretty crazy stuff...

  • berrygerry

    According to WT theology, it would take ONLY ONE perfect man to remain loyal to Jehovah under test.

    Jesus did that, and answered the challenge.

    Why therefore must every perfect human be tested after the 1,000 years?

    Makes no sense.

    Also, should not ALL humans be likewise tested - children born after the 1,000 years?

    Are all humans going to be submitted to an annual performance review to determine their worthiness to continue alive?

    Sounds pretty sci-fi to me.

  • WTWizard
    I would rather bind joke-hova and its filthy angels, and leave them bound forever. Let those things suffer. There would be no need to unbind them after 1,000 years. They want us all enslaved, why shouldn't they suffer forever?
  • C0ntr013r
    Other than the idea to "weed out" the "bad" people from paradise as some sort of cleansing process, I don't think they have any reason for it. Except that they interpret the bible that way...
  • opusdei1972

    The Apocalypse is the product of a dishonest man who wanted to give "comfort" by inventing visions.

    Furthermore, Yahweh does not exist, so Satan is also an invention.

  • C0ntr013r

    "I would rather bind joke-hova and its filthy angels, and leave them bound forever. Let those things suffer. There would be no need to unbind them after 1,000 years. They want us all enslaved, why shouldn't they suffer forever?"

    Finite wrongdoing can never warrant a infinite punishment ;)

    Unless you believe in eternal hellfire....

  • freemindfade


    that explanation philosophically doesn't vibe. Adam and eve satan just up and deceived all humanity while we suffer for a mere 6000 years.

    Jesus. That's a whole other philosophical cluster f#&%. But still. Satan was already around. Chilling on in the vacinity of the earth Lucy and his home boys.

    Then the thousand years, for once since the garden he's not around. To bring him back simply to test perfect humans shows gods intention would have been to always test perfect humans.

    Beyond that, didn't jesus settle that? A perfect man kept his integrity. And also why not spring ol Lucy (lucifer) very thousand years thereafter. Just to be sure?

    But at its core no amount of CD could ever cover the fact that the desert god, chooses to let this murderous lying maniac out of jail, the god by choice is using his enemy to test his oh so beloved humans.

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