risking the flames of the ignorant, let me suggest some reading for all you awakening humans who I have come to love:
do a search on John Edward, he has a site but I am not sure if it is johnedward.com or .org, and he is also on the sci-fi channel(cable tv in USA) and has a site on their page too.
I recommend getting one of his books and watching his show. He is a channeler. He is NOT a circus act or a side show.
and I dont really care if anyone has a negative critique of him, becoz I know what I believe now that I am free to believe it, so dont waste your time flaming. I did not post this for anyone but the ones on the REINCARNATION thread who seem to be sincerely searching.
I have always had experiences with psychic senses. From an early age I have watched as my toys and stuffed animals were burned because I was 'demonized'. I have heard earthquakes minutes before they hit,I have heard the phone ring before itactually did, I have had 'dreams' of people I did not know and then met them shortly afterward(and these people have also 'known' me when we did meet and expressed similar 'dreams' beforehand), I have seen disasters and death, I can tell if a woman is pregnant. All these 'talents' I was told to suppress and keep quiet about by my father so I would not get into trouble. His explanation was that I was 'special' and most rank-and-file J-Ws would not understand. boy was he correct on that one!
All these talents and gifts led me to the 'if-you-cant-beat-em-join-em' attitude when I did leave the BORG and I first studied witchcraft. Since then I have studied various traditions of paganism and also gnosticism, hermeticism, and Mormonism. I know the basics about Hinduism and Buddhism and their comcepts of reincarnation. Interestingly, Mormons have a decent explanation for reincarnation even tho they do not believe in more than one incarnation of the body per spirit. They believe that while we get one chance as a human body, we have planned out the whole experience with our Father first, and chosen who we will be born to, who we will meet, etc...all the while watching our spirit brothers and sisters do their thing and taking temporary bodies at times to help them out!
I KNOW I have been here before. I fell like this could have been my last time, but I have missed some opportunites and with my current health problems, I may have to come back and finish things up. I am not happy about that.
Well if anyone wants to email me for more info or discussion please do, I really am having serious health problems right now and I don't feel like dealing with nasty, negative energies on any boards that will cut into what time I may have left in this life.
Englishman! have a guinness for me bud! or a Bass...< my favorite