We'll have a gay ol' time

by riz 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • rob

    I remember sitting at a meeting not too many yaers ago and listening to an elder's wife pontificate endlessly on how having double pierced ears means that you are trying to emulate gay males. I looked around at the embarassed expressions on the faces of the elders' wives, all of whom had double pierced ears. Yet another case of the JW's fear tactics. I personally have a very good friend and co-worker who is gay. Different strokes!

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Well, you KNEW I was going to chime in, didn't you?
    First of all, the only condemnations which appear in the Bible which refer to same-sex activity are in the context of pagan fertility ritual, not loving same-sex relationships. For an essay I've written on the subject (and may expand upon when I have some free time), please visit http://www.gayxjw.org/bible.html
    Unlike many gays & lesbian JW's & ex-JW's I've encountered over the years, I was not born into the BOrg. I joined when I was 17 years old. (Well, it was in 1974 and Armageddon was SOOOOOO close, so what else could I do???) The elder who studied with me told me that all I had to do was "stop being gay" for a few months and after I survived Armageddon I would be perfect, so it wouldn't matter any more. His idea of "stopping being gay" was to stop having sex, nothing more. You see, most JW's simply don't understand that the sex act does not necessarily determine one's sexuality. They haven't enough intelligence to understand this. They are still caught up in medieval moralistic drivel which demands that those who do not adhere to the edicts of the ENGLISH TRANSLATION of the Bible must be condemned and/or destroyed. I daresay there are many heterosexual men who have had fleeting homosexual experiences (although most who would never admit to it), but that didn't cause them to "turn gay". Homosexuality, IMHO, is more of a state of mind than an act. This may account for many gays being above average in creativity and the arts.
    All I know is that there are thousands of us out there. We're having our third international conference in Minneapolis this coming August. (Heterosexual ex-JW's, by the way, are very welcome to attend). Was I genetically predisposed to homosexuality? I can't say for sure, but my best guess would be Yes.
    Years ago, when I was a JW living in Atlanta Georgia, I was standing at the bus stop one night when a black man approached me and started shouting a tirade of "honky this" and "white that". I looked at the man and simply replied "You know, I didn't fill out a questionnaire before I was born and check the Yes box next to 'Do you want to be white?'" He stopped, thought for a moment, and a big smile came on his face. He then said to me words I will never forget: "Brother, your skin may be light, buy you sure ain't white!"
    The point is, I did not fill out a questionnaire before I was born asking if I wanted to be gay, either. Why would I have deliberately chosen a lifestyle where I would be condemned by those around me, even risking injury or possibly death? It was not a choice. This is who I am, and to try and live any other way I would have to live with the discomfort of hypocrisy as I did when I was a JW. I will not live that way again. I have a bumper sticker on the back of my truck which reads "I love being exactly who I am". I think that sums it up.

  • ApostasyDuJour

    Perhaps, in the New System, when the world is fully populated to it's maximum potential, Jehovah, in his infinite wisdom, will turn us all gay.

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