Story of A Life Spent "Studying" with the Witnesses and Keeping Seat Warm in the Kingdom Hall:
Can't commit, can't leave, keep turning up, in one ear out the next, sweet-natured, conflict avoidant, Disney on legs, neither the smartest, nor the dullest, within the JW orbit, a handy first call of the day, always a cup of coffee, and toothy-white smile, nodding in the right place, lots of "Yes, I must's" but never does, half a life, feet on the edge, neither left nor right, it's all too much, stays inside the JW shadow, startle at the TV news, shudder at war and pestilence, can't bear rotting corpses, does not want to be one, smell of death is motivating, likes denatured nature, drawn to drawings of lambs and lions, inhabits a maggot-free world, with nothing going, nothing coming, pulse proves a live heart, but lifeless, brain on autopilot, likes to help nice JW lady get her time in, pours another cup of instant coffee, the end coming soon, like it always is, takes the magazines, reads the pictures, over in a flash then in the trash, God knows my heart, wish those f*ckers would get off my back.