If you could do anything publicly to get JWs out

by cognac 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • StrongHaiku

    cha ching beat me to it on the hacking idea. Although, you may be able to get it done for free if the Organization draws the attention and ire of "Anonymous" or some other hacktivist group. One can dream...

    One idea that came to mind was a "Mission Impossible"-like operation where we would plant some agents in various strategic positions. Possibly even within the GB. They would then say crazy things, go off-script, protect criminals, double down on draconian policies, and generally undermine the JW's credibility to the point of waking some people up. But, come to think of it, maybe we don't need to do that as they seem to be doing a fine job of that already.

  • ABibleStudent

    Donate money to the political campaigns of key members of Congress to review a draft bill with members of Congress that would revise the Tax Code to protect children from sexual abuse, and prevent non-profit organizations from using 'undue influence" (e.g., shunning) on their members or promote that their members use it on each other. The draft bill and its executive summary are available at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lbrkte086omivtt/AADN7PQHNylsdKwbltjHxBUea?dl=0 .

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Finkelstein

    And money wasn't an issue, what would it be?

    I would take the WTS to court and have the organization charged with inciting hatred and prejudice concerning freedom of religion and human rights abuse. The organization shouldn't be able to instigate shunning of family members simply because of one wanting to leave their organization and not wanting to participate or leave to go on to another religious faith by choice. This in my opinion is against freedom of choice involving constitutional human rights.

  • Vidiot

    ABibleStudent - "Donate money to the political campaigns of key members of Congress to review a draft bill with members of Congress that would revise the Tax Code to protect children from sexual abuse, and prevent non-profit organizations from using 'undue influence" (e.g., shunning) on their members or promote that their members use it on each other."

    Take it a step further.

    Start up or join a lobbyist group whose primary focus is the review and investigation of groups (religious or secular) whose tax-exempt status is/may be being abused... and/or lobbying to get the standards for tax-exemption raised to something closer to decent standards.


    Or how about funding media that accurately portrays the inner workings of the WTS... say, a Ray Franz biopic. Or an "Inside Edition"/"60 Minutes" expose on JW or WT-connected financial moguls (like Lorenz Riebling) who might use their influence to steer WT policies from behind the scenes...

    If/when there are complaints about biased propaganda, it's a simple matter to focus on the supposedly "independent" media (that promotes WT interests and ideology) financed indirectly by the Society itself (i.e. Knocking, etc...)

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    Massive billboards in cities and public transport, everywhere.

    The image? A woman breastfeeding. The caption? "One drop of breast milk contains 1 million white blood cells - If you are a Jehovah witness, what would you do?"

  • JWdaughter

    I love all the ideas, though a couple have to include the proviso that "and if breaking the law was not a deterrent".

    The big white van outside of convention sites is a really cheap and awesome option. I love it and I think it would be great even if I had to rent the big van.

  • ABibleStudent
    Vidiot -
    Take it a step further.
    Start up or join a lobbyist group whose primary focus is the review and investigation of groups (religious or secular) whose tax-exempt status is/may be being abused... and/or lobbying to get the standards for tax-exemption raised to something closer to decent standards.

    I have been trying to interest other lobbyist groups such as First Focus, NOW, SNAP, ACLU, and gay rights organizations. I sometimes feel that those types of organizations don't want to solve the problem, because how would they exist without something to be against.

    I don't feel too bad since Steven Hassan has been trying for more than 30 years to convince people, bureaucrats, politicians to revoke the tax-exempt status of organizations who victimize their members with "undue influence" without changing the Tax Code. I feel that the Tax Code must be changed before the IRS will pro-actively enforce it for non-profits.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • tim3l0rd
    Pay for ads on FB that link to JWFacts or another site and target JWs.
  • brandnew
    Fly one of those planes that have messages behind them, all day long above an open stadium saying "TTATT", or something to that effect.😆
  • cognac
    These are all awesome ideas!

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