Whats important in our religion?

by happy man 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    I have read a lot her about this issu, and it is always end upp in year we have said that something perhaps will happend, and thats not so good ofcourse, even if the gissipels ask jesus will your kingdom come in this itime, so some was waiting fore this, was they wrong now, nothing say that, but I agree it is not good fore the reputaition of the name of jehova.

    Something you never tell is that what i think is the MOST important in the religion is not this waiting fore the end.

    It is the bigg unike thing fore Jw, where are we when we are dead, answer sleeping, waiting fore the

    resurruection. As we now the other religion say , hell or heaven, bigg diffrence.

    number two, jehova is only one ,jesus is hes son, who shall give us blessing in the kingdom on earth, als0 very unik.

    number three is that we belife name of the lord is <jehova, very unik, and important.

    we have some more things, but this things who you can say are seperating us from the rest of diffrent religions, and THIS HAVE NEVER BEEN CHANGE.

    And this things are the most important in our religion, not that some have putt to much faith in promise when the end is here, hope the GB will read 2 tess 1-5.

    jehova will tell on the last day if they have put themselfs in his position.

    I think most of you have read about David, he was Jehovas king and dispite this he was doing terribel things, if they have internet in that times, do you think the relatives to Bat- seba, hade putt in some protests here and tell what David have done, intresting thaugt.

    We have also Salomon who was king and he was eveal at the end.'

    The Gb want to say that the storys in jesaja are about false religion, we have a diffrent wuie if we say it was fore us, like it was then to his peopel, read fore exampel Hez. 13 cap, wery intresting.

    I can say hounestly that i have never putt any bigg trust in this diffrent quess when the last day is here, always thinking, we dont now the day, only the lord.

    1975 was fore mee only some spekulating hope, same widh the generaition thing, the most important thing fore me was to honor jehova and tell peopel that we cAN HAVE A HOPE , TO LIVE ON EARTH, FORE EVER, AND THAT BIBEL HELP US A LOT IF WE TRY TO FOLLOW THE GUIDNESS THERE.And that Christ will be our king and help us truth our dificulties.

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    All very nice, and if you see things that way and it works for you, then I'm pleased.

    For me though - I no longer care about these "spiritual" issues. I have more important earthly matters to attend to - like keeping my mind together and supporting those around me.

    If all you say is true, then I'm happy to leave things in higher hands and keep my insignificant nose out of higher affairs.

    We are not that important anyway = only in our own eyes and estimation of our own reality.

    Happliy I wash my hands of all responsibility towards the whole worship thing. Quietly walking away.

  • Amazing

    Hi HappyMan: The teachings you mention about Jehovah, Jesus, paradise earth, and the resurrection are not unique to Jehovah's Witnesses ...

    Your point about King David and the Internet is well taken. The difference, however, between King David and the Governing Body is that David was held accountable by God, as was Saul before him. Whereas the GB refuses to be held accountable ...

    The Watchtower is false religion, with false religious leaders, doomed and condemn by God ... so getting out of this false religion is essential ... this is the first time in my life where the saying "Get out of her my people if you do not want to share in her sins" makes a lot of sense.

    The question HappyMan is: Are you sighing and groaning over the detestable things being done in Jehovah's name? Are you distressed over false relgion and false religious leaders? ... Are you longing for facing the truth and concern for people? Then get out of her as the Angel in Revelation said to do ...

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    happy man,

    There is no law against practicing, love, joy, peace,long-suffering, mildness, goodness, faith, kindness and self-control.

    The scriptures say, without 'love' your nothing. Now, what do YOU get from that?

    Guest 77

  • Windchaser

    Hi, Happy. I have to disagree with you about the "end" not being important. The first thing that grabbed me when I had my first jw encounter was living forever on paradise earth. It was pounded into me that I was running a race to receive that very reward. The words, 'Millions now living will never die!', rang in my brain as a motivation.

    As the years went on, I believed as you seem to. I believed that the reward wasn't that important, and that I would be as whole-souled to Jehovah as I could possibly be, regardless of the outcome. That very thought has brought me where I am today. Without the carrot, I grew tired and very unhappy with the jw way of living.

    So, my guess is, if you don't think of the end as the ultimate important motivator in being a jw, you are in danger waters. Because they have come up with wrong dates over and over, they have proved to be false prophets.



  • happy man
    happy man

    thanks fore your answer A.

    But going where????

    I can not find anyone who not are a part of the so called word, we are not ther in the mess of war fore exampel i have discus this before widh you, but I must say that wher do you find any religion who dont areinvolvd in this wordley kings matter, like in US , who want to atack Irak, or if we go to former yougsalvia, wher you can say religion and evry religion make terribel things, killing each other.

    Ruwanda is other exampel where religion make terribel things , was a part in the plan to kill millions of peopel , I never see any complains on this very bigg things, or second word war, when preist putt out peoepl to kill ther fellow man, even if they have the same religion.

    I have read a lot of your posts, and i sure respeckt you, but i dont understan your point that JW must be so evel religion , if you compere them to others.I have also some contackt widh other religions and ther leader here in sweden, and i now that thy struggel widh the same problems like JW, peopel who atack inside and say things are bad fore exmpel in swedish church it is bigg noice about women priests and they fhiting each other widh evry wapen they can.

    imperfekt men do imperfekt things, perhaps we have also evel man in our leadership like rehabeam fore exampel , time will tell.

    If you going back to old Israel you must agree that peopel have to face problems from this kings putt in charge by Jehova, why cant you understand that we are in the same position, i truhly belive that if you and others have been treated very bad , as i now you have,jehova see this and i am sure thar you must have a place in the kingdom, even if ytou now think Jw are wrong.

    many greatings to you and your family.

  • imanaliento

    the whole obligation of man is: to fear the true God and keep his commandments.

    those two commandments are love God with your whole soul mind and heart: and love your neighbor.

    not to succumb to the 600 pharisaic rules the WTS puts out.

  • happy man
    happy man

    Hello old friend happy to here from you.

    I understand your point of wuie, but you must belive me, i have never put any trust in this diffrent days GB tell us about, I use to argu widh diffretn Co about his, we never now the day, and if you putt trust in this, your belife is hangin on wrong things, and ofcourse you will lose you faith if it not happend.

    Most important fore me is the answer we have on why we are here , whats the purpuse, the end i think we never have to think so much on, jehova have his day, and we have to wait fore that.

    hej d whindy

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I don't enjoy pulling this rug from under you happyman but - if that's what is important to your religion, then how are you a happyman.

    Number three, jehovah is a made up name; number two, it is only by misfortune that you haven't yet said "Jesus is Lord"; and number one, will you really know how long you lie dead for - and what does it matter?

    Regarding protests over behaviour - that's the foundation of your religion - it's a self-appointment that's founded on the protest of christendom's various behaviours.


  • happy man
    happy man


    you must miss this in my first post.

    And that Christ will be our king and help us truh our dificulties.

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