we have had posts on how we are responsible for our own actions,,,and CANNOT blame the organization for everything!!! well,,,here goes,,,
no matter how correct that assumption is,,,,I SIMPLY DO NOT FEEL LIKE
I BLAME THEM FOR 99.9% for
EVERY THING....jjirzo,,,yes,,i agree,,,
it has been a major source of pain...i am not angry at the people,,just
all of the doctrine..
i used to look at my mother in law and hope she would die so she could
be in the new system!! HOW SICK IS THAT??? lets hope people die so we
can be with them>> death is good,,,because it is one less person for
god to kill???? SHUDDER!!! i BELIEVED THAT one time...
well,,,you all understand,,,i know you do,,,you also know i could just
go on and on and on...i need a drink....Hubby made it home from the
talk,,,but then the phone rang,,,you know.."meeting set up at the hall
tonight for 7...some poor teenager is probably in trouble up to his ass!
i could not listen to another local needs if they paid me a million
dollars....i remember a young sister crying during one,,,god how awful..
oh my,,,rant and rave,,,I AM UP SET,,,,DOES IT SHOW??????? HAHAHHA
YEAH,,i am feeling a bit better...just an intense day,,it will pass.