SDA church general conference has voted NO on womens ordination and now there is a big fight

by barry 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    Last wednesday the question was put 'can Unions ordain women as ministers in the SDA church? The vote was defeated yes 41.35 to no 58.45.

    The Dutch churches responded quickly saying they won't be changing there policy and will continue to ordain women.

    The north american division and the two conferences in California have women pastors that are already ordained.

    The SDA pastors in China are mostly women.

    The internet is running hot with opinions one way or the other. Here is how millennials feel about there church at this point most are studying at an SDA university.

  • barry

    If only the people in the JW religion could manipulate a fight they would realise the .

    emperor has no cloths.

    Theres nothing better than a good fight

    SDAs do also have had female Elders for a long time now

  • FayeDunaway
    Religions that don't recognize women for roles of ordination are wasting the talents of half their members or more!
  • WingCommander

    It's obvious to me that SDA's while being cut from the same cloth as JW's (Second Adventist movement) are not nearly as cult-like as JW's. JW's have become more and more extreme and controlling over the years, while SDA's are at least making some sort of forward progress. Think about it: They have hospitals, schools, even a few ordained women! They cut ties with a lot of the Ellen G. White prophetic nonsense, and actually celebrate holidays. Part of me is actually a bit drawn to them, but their remaining controlling tendencies immediately raise red-flags and make me run away. So I'd say SDA's are "cult-like", while JW's are a full-blown doomsday cult.

    Oh, I forgot to mention that SDA's also produce literature and have stands at Fair's, etc around the USA and the literature looks eerily like the doomsday crap JW's put out. I mean it's really freaky how similar it all is. That alone gave me the creeps a few short years ago and I stopped considering them.

  • naazira

    I found the following statement from the article interesting:

    "I take heart knowing that the leaders we have now will not be there forever and millennials will take their places."

    Too bad Jehovah's witnesses aren't allowed to make similar comment, but if they did it would go like this.

    I take heart knowing that the current governing body will not be there forever and that a new body will lead the organization with open minds. Changes will be made in doctrine.

    Too bad, looking forward to the disbandment of the current Governing body and wishing the best for the future body is not allowed.

    It's great that the seventh day adventist, can even vote on and discuss these topics!

  • LisaRose
    Interesting. I am fascinated with this religion because they are like JWs in some ways, but a lot more flexible and liberal in others. My grandson attended SDA school all his life (long story), it seemed to be a positive experience for him. He wanted to go to an SDA college with the goal of becoming a minister, but it was way too expensive, my daughter is not SDA so couldn't see financing it. He is currently in the Air Force with the goal of getting tuition help for a degree and then going on to SDA graduate school. I will ask him what he thinks about this issue.
  • barry

    Here is an SDA ordained pastor I respect and she happens to be a women. Even though I,m anglican now I would go to her church. Chris is a very smart women and Ive seen her a few times on videos

  • cattails

    I take heart knowing that the current governing body will not be there forever and that a new body will lead the organization with open minds. Changes will be made in doctrine.

    If that were possible in the Jehovah's Witness religion then it would quickly fall appart.

    There's little chance that the Witnesses would change if the Roman Catholic Church can undo the Second Vatican progressive advances and still strong arm the American nuns into submission. I think the JWs and the Catholic men in charge like it that way and will keep that fascist combat boot pressing on the necks of women for as long as they can. Swine!

    I think the SDA Church can have this sort of conversation/argument because they've never had the Patristic oligarchical tradition that JWs, Catholics, Greek-Orthodox and Mormons have against women, for example.

  • barry
  • steve2

    Well, folks, what can you expect from a religious system whose chief organizer and "law" maker, the apostle Paul, said women should remain silent in the congregation and ask their husband at home?

    It's all downhill from there.

    Quite why a woman would want a leadership role in a fiercely patriarchal system is beyond me.

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