The Enormous Price of Lack of Faith

by Zechariah 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zechariah

    Trusting God is far more than merely believing he exists.

    I just this evening watched a Senate Session on CSPAN on the subject of delaying deciding on preemptive strikes against IRAQ. It was very interesting to see how lack of trust in God causes irrational fear that people will be willing to sacrafice all their wealth, their comforts, and even the lives of their children.

    Without the belief that God exists and that spiritual forces exist there is hopelessness. The world without God is too dangerous to live. Without invisible forces at work to control the affairs of men and limit the forces of nature and the extent crimes men commit the world would have ended long ago. Man does not have the power to insure his own safety. We can give thanks to the angelic forces of God for the protection of fools and babys. I cannot count the number of miracles I have observed of babys and people acting foolishly in addictions and risky behaviors being saved and protected. Of course only believers can see miracles.

    Unseen spirits are the reason why the worst never seems to happen. Why there always is a silver lining to every cloud. Trust in God is for certain the key to successful living.

    Getting back to the Senate session. The old Democratic Senator Robert Byrd made a eloquent speech explaining the great sacrafice America is being asked to make in a attempt to eliminate all possible dangers from other countries. He explained explained expertly the serious implications of the US acting unilaterally against IRAQ and undertaking preemptive strikes against them.

    The World image the US would create in the world would have serious repercussions for us. It would set a very poor example to the rest of the world that preemptive strikes against other countries are justifiable. If the US action against IRAQ is not backed by the rest of the world Saddam Hussein will appear justified in using weapons of mass destruction in self defense. It becomes a no win situation.

    He clearly pointed out that there is no greater iminent danger now than at other times in the past. In effect he was saying that world opinion is a far more effective weapon than military action. The enormous price the President on behalf of the country is willing to pay is futile as it is unconscionably expensive financially. Beginning figures for initial short term war is 200 billion dollars even befor speaking of aftermath costs. While merely 9 Billion would meet all our Internal
    Budget requirements..

    Bottom line the way I see it is that people have lost all their trust in God. They do not trust that God controls the limits of what man is allowed to do destructively as he does with nature. He will not ever let us suffer beyond what we can bear. Trust in God and you will be saved. Lack of faith makes us act desperately in fear and unwisely attempt to save ourselves.

    Faith in God is rewarded by God with supernatural help. We can't underestimate its power. It kept Russian and our own finger off the button for an enormous period of time. There is no winner in a nuclear war for anybody if any side acts preemptively.


  • Valis
    It was very interesting to see how lack of trust in God causes irrational fear that people will be willing to sacrafice all their wealth, their comforts, and even the lives of their children.

    I was thinking that lots of so called Christian congregations do just that through their expression of fatih and faith in Dog...

    Faith in God is rewarded by God with supernatural help.

    Now there is a delusion to aspire to...


    District Overbeer

  • Realist

    > He will not ever let us suffer beyond what we can bear.<

    tell that to the victims of nazi terror or any other crime!

    what is the basis of this weird statements???

  • pettygrudger

    The only thing I can say to this is that we must have been reading two different bibles.

    The bible I read has dozens of stories of an angry god who killed innocent children, women & men in his quest of proving his own sovreignty. How many wars are detailed in the same bible, killing the innocents? How many wars did he himself dictate be started? His "chosen" people were not immune from this any more than his enemies.

    For you to say lack of faith in god is the cause of war is absurd. God has been calling for violence since Adam & Eve's first children.

  • Shakita

    Dear Zechariah,

    "Unseen spirits are the reason why the worst never seems to happen."

    Obviously you were not one of the inhabitants of Nagasaki or Hiroshima on those fateful days of August many years ago. Where were your helpful unseen spirits then?

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Zechariah

    To Realist and others,

    I totally distorted the the scripture totally impulsively and without any attempt to misapply scripure that I never really was quoting.

    The way I was applying these words I firmly believe is true in that God never allows us as mankind and not individuals to suffer beyond our ability to recover. As with the 9-11 incident that with continued faith in God despite adversity we have survived and recovered. We had like Job been made better than what we were before on so many levels.

    How can anybody deny the multitude of testimonials of miracles people experienced during and after the tragedy. The heroes and the victims all gave credit to God. Are they all delusional or is it you thats spiritually blind without the eyes to see the unseen. (Faith)

    The Jews during the time of Nazi Germany despite the great tragedy they had to endure were fulfilling Bible prophecy about a greater time of trouble for the Jews than ever before. Certainly I believe was referring to the Holocaust. Again ther were multitudes of miracles reported during and after this time. There also was the return of the Jews to their homeland in a independent state. Again is it those who suffered these tragedys yet still believe that are delusional or is it your spiritual blindness.


  • Zechariah


    Are you trying to say there were no survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Things could always be worse than they are. You can bet that any survivors are crediting God rightfully so for being alive.


    Edited by - zechariah on 6 October 2002 21:21:58

  • Shakita

    My response is "you are braindead"

  • Satanus


    If people had always been pacifistic as you seem to be advocating, we'ld still be living in huts, with out door toilets, using horses for transportation, etc. In history, wars and revolutions, right or wrong, have generally been the greatest instruments of change. Christianity, wherever it was spread, was backed by the sword. Bush is just following the patterns previously set. He just needs to be better at gauging public opinion and generating propaganda than leaders were in prvious times, because people are a little smarter and because of the ease/speed of communications.

    Often things weren't as bad as they could have been because of human nature. Average people all want basically the same things: security, shelter, food, entertainmant, freedom, etc. They don't want to be fighting. It's their govts, politicians and religions that work them up to go and fight. The 9-11 tragedy can be used as leverage for war until people tire of it. God has nothing, or very little to do w it.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 6 October 2002 21:57:4

  • Satanus

    The muslims, romans, egyptians, greeks, babylonians, jews, turks, british, vikings, mongols, all praised their gods when they were victorious. You are just following their pattern.



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