Mary.. I'm a charge nurse on a surgical ward where many operations are carried out daily, you know every single person that comes in is terrified beyond belief, its the fear of the un-known and not knowing what to expect. I often sit and talk to the patients prior to their surgery and I always tell them ...listen before you know where you are, you'll be back here on the ward, getting better, and well on your way to going home. and believe me its true, so many patients say, you know, you was right, what on earth was I so worked up about..........the same will be true in your case I just know. Try not to worry, everything is going to be just fine, you'll see.
by Mary 18 Replies latest jw friends
Double Edge
I always tell them ...listen before you know where you are, you'll be back here on the ward, getting better, and well on your way to going home. and believe me its true,
So TRUE, so true. Mary, relax... I've had several operations over the years, the last about three years ago, and while their not 'a piece of cake' they're not even half bad.... in fact I kind of look forward to the 'legal' drugs they give you in the prep room just before you go in. One minute you're talking to a nice nurse, then you feel REAL good, the next thing you know you're in recovery feeling super sleepy and someone is trying to wake you up (how rude). You'll be fine.
Hi Mary.
I had a hysterectomy in June and I feel fabulous. Surgery is amazing these days; I had very little pain (took pain meds less than a week), only stayed overnight, and started walking again in a week. I healed very quickly and am very glad I had the surgery. I just turned 48.
Good look. Attitude is everything; stay positive.
Julie F.
I've had a gall bladder removed, an appendectomy and a kidney-stone removal surgery within the past 4 years. The fear of the unknown was the greatest obstacle for me. Talk to everyone on the staff you can about what's going on. You'll find that most likely the people involved in your surgery are those who have succeeded at this many times before over a period of years. If others can survive and thrive after the operation , so can you !!
Edited by - Gopher on 7 October 2002 4:1:11
Hope everything goes well
thinking of you and wishing the best...not an easy thing to go through...sending lots of hugs and cyber support....hang in there....
Mary--I just had an emergency laparoscopy last wednesday. Which I must admit was not alot of fun, I'm out of work for a couple wks, and the doctor gave me really strong pain medication. I'm really really sore, regardless of the med's. But I have a wonderful person taking very good care of me.
I worried myself crazy, even tried to escape from the hospital twice--hooked up to the IV, in one of those infamous opened in the back robes, in the middle of the night in a rain storm. I didn't get far.
thank you so much everyone for your encouraging words and experiences, I really, really appreciate it.
I'm trying to remind myself that over 600,000 hysterectomies were performed last year, and that I apparently have a very good doctor...............I just want it over and done with.
I'll keep you posted.....................
Mary, I too at 48 just had a hysterectomy (they removed EVERYTHING) last June. The WAITING is the terrifying part. But it helped to get my life in order anyway. Having a living will, and insurance and all that...telling my husband where everything is. Being pro-active. I cleaned my house good and was ready when I needed to be. I highly recommend this site for you...they are wonderful wonderful women who can really give you some great information:
It took about 6-8 weeks for me to feel quasi normal again, so dont rush it honey...just take it easy. That will help you heal quicker. If you want to talk..just give me a click!
hugs, Dawn