Hi missy Mulan.
So bigred was reading Rays book on the sly and so was i and my wife Phyl didnt know about it for about 8 months but she used get upset with me "as i was talking so funny".I can relate to Daves discouragement because you see so much that is not uplifting. Like Ray said in his freedom book , like being on a treadmill "going no where and the scenery never changes" my words,
I can appreciate his feelings of discouragement , but also found since leaving the WT and their adherents can get very ugly . Some our JWS friends asked me to help them out while we were in the process of leaving the WT.
They told me that their son in law was accusing his wife of molesting her 5 year old daughter and her twin boys as well. The son in law reported this to childrens aid saying the Grandmother was also involved in the molestation.The Cong. overseer was involved along with 4 wt adherents in kidnapping the children . 2 years later the case went to court and i introduced the booklet from a bro.in the states put out by the WT that coaches the children to lie under oath. The lady judge convened the court to read the booklet and handed down a decision later on giving the children back to the mother and putting the son in law on the childrens aid registry alert. The transcript stated that this case was sorbid and bizzare.
Nice folks aye Don