Peace to you, Beck... and in all seriousness...
While I cannot contribute this entirely to the WTBTS, I have to say that one "blessing" I DO have, as a result of being a member in that organization... are the VERY good friends I have made since coming out, people I might not have known otherwise, had we not had the commonality of being in that organization at one time or another. Many of such ones are here.
Another - and again, I don't necessary attribute it to that organization or to "Jehovah", but most certainly to the teachings of my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, and the Spirit of his Father and mine, the Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies - would be learning to LIVE "godly devotion"... which is something I first heard about from them... than merely have a "FORM" of it, while proving "false" to its power. I tried to do as they SAID... and not as they DID, the hypocrites.
My point? I could look back at almost any point in my life and find things of which to say, "Ahhhh, what a WASTE!" (trust me on this! LOL!). Or... I can look back and say, "Ahhhh, well... but look where I am now, praise Jah." The choice in this is mine. And since that is the case, I do not choose to let an impotent group of men... and/or their pitiable followers... rob me of ONE IOTA of my joy any longer. They did THAT when I was "in." They will NOT do so... any more.
The saying is true, then, in my case: "What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger." It has, and I am admittedly grateful for that.
Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,