Wow... It's been awhile since I've posted, there are a lot of new names here. I just had to post on this...
I received a letter from my mother Friday telling me that she and my father no longer wish to associate with my husband or me. They will contact me in case of emergency but thats it. I don't know if this means that they will be "reading my name from the platform" or what, but I really don't care. Sending a letter to the elders, etc. (my Dad is the P.O. of their Cong) would indicate that I think their beliefs and practices are substantiated. Which I don't. I just don't recognize them as anything but a cult. Period.
I was raised as a JW for the first 20 years of my life. Baptized at 14, DFed at 18 and reinstated at 20, I walked away from the Organization and divorced my JW ex-husband. I became a Christian, met my husband and have been actively celebrating holidays since. After about five years of hot and cold, my parents have elected to take a stand for their beliefs and disassociate themselves from me. They, of course, tell me that this has been my decision (I dont think theyve ever taken responsibility for themselves in anything) that I have forced their hand.
Their faith is so fragile that they could be swayed in their beliefs by merely associating with someone who has a different viewpoint. Makes you wonder if their conviction could be so easily broken, maybe there isnt much substance to it? Anyone who tells you that the JWs arent a cult is either (a.) smack-dab in the middle of it and a blind believer or (b.) ignorant of cults and clueless as to what cult mentality is.
Thank God for Ray Franz. "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom" have helped me immensely in my struggle to break free from the JWs and their emotional blackmail. I am happier and more satisfied in my life than I have ever been. Although this was a shock, and it makes me very angry, I've been expecting it. I'm almost glad that it's finally over with, that I won't need to deal with them & their "beliefs" when we have kids, etc.
Cheers ~ reagan