When I was a Witness, we would sometimes get people who were disfellowshiped or disassociated that protested the assemblies or Kingdom Hall. Perhaps there are a few who have done this on this board. I remember a few comments made by people in the congregation when they saw these people. Things like, "Those people are just plain evil", "I would not want to be them at Armageddon", or "Jehovah is going to take extra pleasure taking them out." All of which seemed to tell me that Witnesses had a hidden hope somewhere, that those who spoke against Witnesses would get a good "Whacking" by Jehovah in the end of this system, or in this life. Well I was in this one congregation for many years, and in that time we had several people speak against the religion. Some did it with news programs and others did it with pamphlets. So local Witnesses would think bad of these people, and make these statements of how they hoped Jehovah would take them out. Then "wham" a young woman in our hall was killed in a car accident. Then "wham" a elder was stricken with cancer and died. Then "wham" a young man is killed by his babysitter. Yet we go to the next assembly and see these people protesting, and organizing movements against the Jehovah's Witnesses. I ask something to myself then, in all these "hopes" for Jehovah to strike these people down. What happened, "Did he miss and take out his own people?" For there were the same faces from last year, the former elder from the neighboring congregation and the man I used to Pioneer with. All holding signs that said things to protest the organizations ways, and bring a open minded thought to the current followers. Yet what do you hear said again, "Those people are just plain evil", "I would not want to be them at Armageddon", or "Jehovah is going to take extra pleasure taking them out." Even adding a little laughter to what they saw as foolishness, as they saw none of these people having any affect. Then another year goes by and again, a young woman is raped on the way home from field service, a old man is beaten by his son, and this young child is hit and killed by a man drinking and driving. Yet again the same apostates march the line. What happened, "Did he miss and take out his own people, again?" Well I see it differently now. I think there is something inherently evil in wishing harm on another. I see the practice of hoping someone suffers because you do not agree with them, as a hateful comment. In addition, to want only harm to someone is inviting harm on to yourself. Why do I say that? Well if you claim to be about love, and then at the same time you can think of so many hateful things about another, you are only faking love and not actually being love. So in being so hateful and negative, your words of condemnation on another is nothing more then that "words" and your love you claim to show to others, is nothing more then that "show." So am I saying that Jehovah really aimed at people and missed the target? "NO!" I am saying that if we see it that way, we don't understand love in the first place, and the right it gives us to life's freedom. We are making ourselves the target, because when you put yourself as a pedestal up to be admired, people notice all the things that happen to you more. So basically, had I not heard so many hateful things about those apostates protesting. With people hoping Jehovah would strike them down. I would have never had time to think about how little sense that made, when more hardship was happening to the accusers than the accused. My thought
Is Jehovah taking aim at the apostates?
by kenpodragon 16 Replies latest jw friends
I think there is something inherently evil in wishing harm on another. I see the practice of hoping someone suffers because you do not agree with them, as a hateful comment. In addition, to want only harm to someone is inviting harm on to yourself.
Uh oh. If that is the case, maybe I should unwish for my boss to kick the bucket. But how would that work out if I am not the only one wishing for his demise? Just about everyone else who works around him hopes for the same outcome......
Really though, I am not the kind of person who hopes for the worst to happen just because I disagree with another. I have to admit, there are quite a few people in the world who deserve to climb the stairway to heaven, so to speak. Bin Laden, Hussein, the sniper(s) in VA/MD, etc. Anyone who consciously kills another human and shows no remorse whatsoever deserves to die. But if someone was to wish death upon a person or group of people simply over the matter of religious thought, then that person would need serious help.
It is very simple.
Treat others like you want to be treated. No more, no less.
Witnesses wishing others to be hurt in some way is wrong, just as for us to want others hurt just for believing in something different than for ourselves is wrong.
Personally, I do not wish witnesses sorrow, but do feel sad for them in my heart, as they are so mislead. Big difference between that and wishing them evil.
Just want to add that I agree whole heartedly with jourles on their post.
There certainly is time to stand up for oneself, or to take action as in evil and crimes being commited against us.
There is a difference in "wishing evil" on people for a difference of opinion, and wanting justice for a terrible action done against you or your country.
Take Care
I don't wish any harm to the JW's themselves, just their abusive and autocratic organization. I still have loved ones in the WT (my parents). I love them dearly and wish they would get the heck out of there.
I remember going to assemblies thru the years and I guess I was a apostate wanna be. I was morbidly fascinated by watching those people picket, although some were not ex JW's, just some people picketing from nearby churches. What struck me as odd is that everyone who saw them just had vile, hate and disgust for them. I quietly thought what did this religion do to you that would make you carry signs...I now know....
Double Edge
I think there is something inherently evil in wishing harm on another
I think so too, and even though I consider myself a Christian (whatever that means on this board) I believe in Karma - positive and negative....the old "what comes around, goes around".
Interesting post.
Edited by - Double Edge on 7 October 2002 17:10:18
I remember the first assembly that I attended, people were picketing out front of the convention hall and someone said something and naturally being new I attempted to reply, my best friend at the time her father was an elder and well needless to say she told me don't say anything to those people they are evil and we are not supposed to speak to them. At the time, I thought it was kinda stange but you know how all those WARNINGS and ALARMS go off in your head and you dismiss them. Looking back now, I wonder what life would be like now for me and my family if I would have spoken up and talked to the people that this awful cult tried to silence.
Karma.....more powerful than people think. I've learned to respect it.
I remember when I was real young we would see picketers outside of the DA. My mom would make me turn my head and not even look at them. She always had that paranoid look on her face too. I do remember seeing 1975 on a placard once but I didn't know what it meant at the time. Now I know too much.