Now this is really pathetic

by xenawarrior 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • xenawarrior

    Spent my day working a job fair here, recruiting potential workers. Talking to folks all day at our booth.

    And guess who was also "recruiting" at this job fair? Yep 3 JW's. Dressed nicely with their bookbags in hand, they blended in well with all the other eager potential employees.

    When they came to your booth and began talking, I was flabbergasted and the only thing I could get out is "You are kidding, right?" I asked them if they were seeking employment and they said "well, no" The person I was with gave me a look and started asking them questions, playing with them a bit. She asked if they had seen Dateline and they told her it was all a bunch of lies made up by angry ex-members who had been asked to leave the religion because they had differences in belief and had broken the rules or were living in an immoral way. One said that there was no way it could be true because they keep their congregations clean. I could feel my blood pressure going up and wanted so badly to unleash on these boys; knowing I couldn't in that environment.

    I ended up telling them that I felt it was totally inappropriate for them to be out in service at a job fair and if they'd like to sell their religion, perhaps they should pay the $900 the rest of us did to have our organization represented with a booth. Someone said something about "the truth" and my blood boiled. I ended up telling these nice young men that if the religion they were peddling was "the truth" I'd rather go on living a lie.

    Someone then told me that there was a kingdumb hall right down the road. Maybe I'll stop by tomorrow night and bring along some applications.

    I thought it was bad when they came into my office!! PATHETIC.

    XW of the "not havin it" class

  • eyegirl
    eyegirl bout if we do a little TP number on the place next time i'm in town? or perhaps attend a sunday meeting a fulfill notinterested's dream of shouting "F*CK" in the microphone during the watchtower. heehee

  • goatlike

    I love your reaction Xena,

    I don't know what i'd have done, probably gone after them with a crucifix or the nearest laptop. How far can their "recruiting" go? Whatabout pay/benefits/the part where everyone else dies?

  • xenawarrior

    YOU'RE ON!!!! I've got lots of practice with the TP thing. Big here during homecoming and prom

    Oh, maybe NI should come with you and do it himself eh? LOL

    Besides, I can't bring any applications to the Tuesday nite meeting cuz we don't have any current janitorial openings.


  • out4good3

    THis is really cheap of them. This is even lower than their leaving a magazine in leiu of a tip when dining in restaurants. Guess they plan on skipping right past a salary and benefits to live on and go right to offering everlasting life.

    Just wondering how many magazines they'll have to sell to accomplish that goal.

  • onacruse

    "if they'd like to sell their religion, perhaps they should pay the $900 the rest of us did to have our organization represented with a booth." ROFLMAO

    Yeah, cheapskates. Reminds me of the tables they set up at some colleges. Last time I saw one, I was still "in" (but turning and beginning to head out). There was one conversation I overheard (just stood back, I knew the bros at the table), a fellow philosophy student was just ripping the sh*t out of the 2 bros at the table, cut their statements to ribbons. There were several students gathered around, and this guy had great argumentative skills. When it was over, those bros looked like idiots.

    Ya get what ya pay for, eh? hahaha


  • Searchin50

    This takes the cake!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't belive the extremes those people go to.

    How in the wrold did they think they fit in at a job fair

    I swear i think their all nuts!

    Wish i would of been there.

  • not interested
    not interested

    ok im getting my cocal cords ready to yell into the mic just tell me when and where, oh i have another fantsy id like to go to a k/h and volenter for a #4 talk and then start talking all kinds of chit and see how long it takes to get pulled off the stage.....damn that might even be worth getting reinstated for.....nah maybe not

  • AGuest

    "Now this is really pathetic..."

    "they told her it was all a bunch of lies made up by angry ex-members who had been asked to leave the religion because they had differences in belief and had broken the rules or were living in an immoral way. One said that there was no way it could be true because they keep their congregations clean..."

    Yes. It is. Indeed. Among many other comparable adjectives including, but not limited to, the synonyms: Wretched Weak Dismal Sad Useless Feeble

    And there's always the one my Lord is recorded to have chosen:

    Pitiable - Rev. 3:17

    But I do think your inclusion of the word "really" adds greatly to your point.

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • stichione

    They're inovative. People aren't home anymore. So I guess a job fair is a fine place to meet people. Did they pay an entrance fee too?

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