President Bush's speech

by Mulan 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • siegswife

    Characteristics of fascism: (during inter-war period)

    Strongly nationalistic

    Strongly/Violently anti-Communist


    Opposed to international org.

    Elitist and Authoritarian (Obedience not discussion Mussolini)

    Close identity btw the party and the state

    Strongly anti-Semitic

    Glorified war (promoted Social Darwinism)

    Profoundly racist

    Had a paramilitary wing (ie: Blackshirts / S.A.)

    Promoted the myth of the race (use victories of the past)

    Placed emphasis on the myth of the predestined leader

    Made great use of symbolism (ie: swastika)

    Did not have a clear doctrinal base

    Reasons for the Appeal of Fascism

    Fascism was not clearly developed in theory and could appeal to all groups irrespective of status

    The emphasis upon law and order was appealing (it was seen as an alternative to social unrest)

    People were turning to other forms of Gov. due to immense economic problems.

    Weak governments were easy preys for the fascists

    The fear of communism led to support for the fascists who were violently anti-Communist

    Fascism gave its members a sense of identity

    Fascism made great use of the potentials of the newly developed mass media

    Traditional parties lacked inspiration and the fascists:

    Represented a dynamic alternative

    Were not opposed by the Gov. which they sought to bring down

  • siegswife


    , modern political ideology that seeks to regenerate the social, economic, and cultural life of a country by basing it on a heightened sense of national belonging or ethnic identity. Fascism rejects liberal ideas such as freedom and individual rights, and often presses for the destruction of elections, legislatures, and other elements of democracy. Despite the idealistic goals of fascism, attempts to build fascist societies have led to wars and persecutions that caused millions of deaths. As a result, fascism is strongly associated with right-wing fanaticism, racism, totalitarianism, and violence.
  • Trauma_Hound
    Expose away my dear board mate, for you cannot expose what's not hidden. You are a typical Democrat, bash the guy that has an opinion, one step away from being a friggin commie. You want to take away my guns and freedom of speech as well? You want to turn the Good ol USA into Cuba (or is it Cuber?). You want to know what would happen to the United States under a democratic rule? Read up on Cuban History. The same exact tactics that the Democrats use now were used in Cuba. First they take your guns, then after that your freedom of speech, and then, and then, and then.....

    Before you know it Fidel will be our President

    You mean like bush is doing with the Patriot act? But I suppose throwing our civil rights out the door is ok by you then? Your a hypocrit. I myself am neither democrat or republican. I would have voted for John McCain if I had a choice, however Gore was the lesser of two evils. If you want to talk about coups, bush pulled a coup de etat, bush is not the rightful president.

  • RevMalk


    You mean like bush is doing with the Patriot act? But I suppose throwing our civil rights out the door is ok by you then? Your a hypocrit. I myself am neither democrat or republican. I would have voted for John McCain if I had a choice, however Gore was the lesser of two evils. If you want to talk about coups, bush pulled a coup de etat, bush is not the rightful president.

    Finally we agree! I am not a Hypocrite, I resent the statement. I like Bush (so Shoot me). I do however agree with you on McCain, he's done wonderful things for Arizona, and he'd have made a wonderful President. As a matter of fact, had he been Bush's running mate, what a wonderful thing that would have been. A shoe in for the Presidency in 8 years, and a heavy influence on the President for the next 8 years (6 now?). McCain would not have been a sit down VP like Chaney, he'd have had a voice and a say, because he's the type of man to enforce that right. Listen, I don't claim that Bush is this great being here to save the world, I don't claim he has all the answers and I don't claim he knows how to pronounce Nuclear. I imagine that anytime you support one person over others, it's a case of choosing the lesser evil. They're Politicians, what does that tell you?

    As for the Florida vote: GIVE ME A FRIGGIN BREAK!

    That vote has been tallied and tallied and tallied, guess who wins every time? You know who does, and you know he took Florida far and square but it didn't fit into your little world because you were one of the whiners crying about your precious Gore. If the shoe was on the other foot, you'd have felt Gore was vindicated in Florida (had the vote been switched). You are the Hypocrite! All I did was say that Gore made that statement (I won't quote it again, it's old), that's it! And then I got hammered for making a factual statement. How's that for losing your civil rights??

    You asked for proof - I gave it to you

    You claimed he was instrumental in creating the Arpanet (loosely quoted) - I showed you where you were wrong, point blank.

    Now you're upset because you were wrong and you'll take any straw you can get to attack me personally and intellectually.

    It won't work, anyone that can't do math and realize Gore was no-where near the Arpanet deal has no right to call me names or insult my intelligence.

    A knaves religion is always the rottenest thing about him." John Ruskin, 19th-century British critic and author

    Edited by - Revmalk on 9 October 2002 14:41:20

  • RevMalk


    You mean like bush is doing with the Patriot act? But I suppose throwing our civil rights out the door is ok by you then? Your a hypocrit. I myself am neither democrat or republican. I would have voted for John McCain if I had a choice, however Gore was the lesser of two evils. If you want to talk about coups, bush pulled a coup de etat, bush is not the rightful president.

    I forgot to touch on the Patriot act. Do you realize that 98 Senators voted for this, and ONLY 1 did not? Also approved by the House, a Democratic ruled House of Reps. (I know you said you're not a democrat).

    I'm not a huge fan of this myself, but I know one thing. I don't do anything wrong, so why should I worry? I was caught up in the mess in NY on the 11th, and I know that I don't ever want to witness something like that again (I know, it's inevitable). So, tap my phone line, I don't give a crap because I'm not breaking the law. Just leave me my guns to protect my family (Thank Your Mr. Bush)

    The brunt of the Patriot Act is to crack down on immigrants.....Go for it, as a matter of fact build a big wall and keep them out. Things are a mess and our freedom here has been compromised by our allowing God knows who to enter our Borders. Yes, I know, we have terror within, so does everyone, but why invite more? I saw the Muslims dancing in our streets after the death of so many innocent people (including children) from around the world (no offense to anyone that wasn't cheering). It makes me sick. My children have friends who lost their parent(s), neighbors who are with us no longer. So, will the Patriot Act help?

    I hope so, and if I have to give up a little privacy to save even one life, so be it. They're watching and tapping already, so what's the difference? Are you naive enough to believe that they haven't been all these years? Now they can actually use this information, and these degenerates won't be able to hide behind their walls anymore, even their Church walls!

    A knaves religion is always the rottenest thing about him." John Ruskin, 19th-century British critic and author

  • Trauma_Hound

    Yep like I said hypocrit, you sit there and blame everyone else but the republicans, for trampling our rights, when in fact, they're just as guilty as the democrats at this. The goddamn US Patriot act was drafted by Bush and his cronies! I'm SORRY but the right to trial is a constitutional right, do you know what the constitution is? It's what the US Patriot act tramples all over. It should be called the US Traitor act. You know the terrorist won. Unlike you, I'm not willing to trade my freedom for security. Live free or die! Call me a whiner if you want, but while your sit on your ass, I'll be fighting for our freedoms.

  • Crazy151drinker


    As a radical leftest conservative Republican, I agree with you totally.

  • cellomould

    I have known since long before the elections that George W played on the fears of the populace. Now look what his 'smaller, friendlier' government is doing to your freedoms.


  • RevMalk

    Ok, so you have good point regarding the Patriot Act. But Trauma, this wasn't the issue in the first place. Remember that I made a factual statement, you disagreed, treated me like an idiot, and then was proven wrong wrong wrong? Yes, I think so.

    A knaves religion is always the rottenest thing about him." John Ruskin, 19th-century British critic and author

  • Crazy151drinker


    Gore tried to play on the ignorance of voters- shit, look how many voted for him......

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