Re: "You wouldn't understand it unless you...

by Simon 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I remember at a book study the conductor saying something about ho simple everything was and that anyone of us could easily talk for a minute about our beliefs.

    Everybody froze of course and was hoping he wouldn't pick them.

    No one could or wanted to do it even amongst each other !

    It's a sad indictment of the 'faith' isn't it. I have a theory that 90% of JW's could not tell you what the current beliefs were. You'd just get a few stock phrases about blood, 1914 and generation which would be out of date anyway.

  • Scorpion


    I bet your theory is right about 90% of JWs cannot tell you what their current beliefs are. I wager that the percentage of JWs not knowing the (EXACT) history of the WT is about 99%. Since my departure from the org in 1989, I have had several dealings with JWs. There has only been two active JWs that I have dealt with that new some of the history and start of the WT. The rest new virtually nothing other than the names of the presidents, Russell, Rutherford, etc.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I am stunned about Wayans being a witness. Never heard that before.
    As for stating beliefs. I never had a problem with that when I was a witness.
    But now it is very hard for me to believe that I fell for it for so long.

  • LovesDubs

    What do JWs believe? Gawd thats simple.

    "WE'RE right YOU'RE wrong, WE'RE big YOU'RE small, WE'RE smart YOU'RE not, WE'RE sheep YOU'RE goats, God loves US better than YOU, WE'RE gonna live in Paradise Earth and have it alllll to ourselves and YOU'RE gonna die a gruesome, horrible, bloody, DESERVED DEATH when Jehovah GETS you for not listening to US! Nyaaaa nyaa nya nyaaa nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pththtthhtththtthttttttttttt"

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    I believe that God is the Creator of all things.

    I believe that Jesus, God's Son, came to earth for the forgiveness of sins and is my personal Saviour.

    I believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word to humankind.

    There, that didn't take two minutes. But, as you say, the Witnesses' doctrines are so complicated (and changeable) it would take a Public Talk to explain what they believed.


  • dark clouds
    dark clouds

    as proof of simons statement that 90% dont know

    i went into the aol JW's and Friends chat and lurked a while, every so often i would ask an unsuspecting jw why he believed what he did, not only was my question usually answered with leading questions, they would go as far as saying that i should go to a hall and ask someone there, because anyone could say anything online meaning that perhaps it wasnt a witness answering, this after them saying that indeed they were witnesses. . .

    again further proof of the brainwashing not only are they told they should not be on line, but in case they are, they are told what to say so as to not answer and get their numbers up at the hall. . .


  • JAVA


    I think your abstract on JW beliefs says it all! I don't know if I should lol or cry.

    counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • LovesDubs

    Java...well I tell you what buster...if you dont BEG me for a Bible study right here and now, I will walk away, stomping your lousy dust off my Kmart shoes, put a giant "GOAT" next to your name on the Book of Life ( the way is kept in the lobby at Bethel and is constantly updated for losers like you who didnt listen) and I will walk down the street claiming your house as MINE MINE MINE after the birds eat your sorry bearded carcass like a french fry in the McDonalds parking lot. So there.

  • unclebruce

    Aw - you have to go and complicate everything ozzie. Here's mine: "Be"
    LaoTzu said it 2,600 years ago and its still rings true for me. Maybe I should write it all over Sydney instead of "eternity"

    cheers, unc.

    PS: Love dubs and this Java bloke crack me up.

  • LDH

    ummmm....remind me to keep LovesDubs on my good side.

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