Hey, New To The Board

by ColdRedRain 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • out4good3

    Welcome to the Board CRR

    First of all let me say that I totally understand the reasons why you left. The types of attitudes you described are the hallmark of JW life. Any doubt or intense questioning of the WT is silenced. You lose any semblence of individualism; and they will rationalize anything, ANYTHING, away so long as it protects the image of the WT.

    Your parents have done you a great disservice by isolating you and only exposing you to witnessized life under the guise of homeschooling; and I'm sure you realized that long before you turned 21. I suggest you start looking for educational or skill enhancing opportunities at a local community college as soon as possible. My guess is your JW relatives will try to stifle this newfound independence by denying you the financial resources you'll need to succeed. Don't let this happen......they're counting on you to fail to drive you back into the organization. Talk to a financial aid specialist at the college. They'll offer you options from student loans and grants to work study and possible part-time on campus jobs. Even with the economy as week as it is, there's still institutions out there throwing money at individuals who want to go to college and better themselves.

    Don't take no for an answer......MAKE IT HAPPEN !!!!!!

  • Valis

    Welcome CRR! Its always hard when you have JW parents as they have no clue what its like to lead the life of a responsible person...doing things like bettering yourself (college), not waiting on Jehovah to make your life better, not turning a blind eye to the reality of JWland, etc...again, welcome and know that you will find plenty of good people here that will share their experiences and heartbreak/happiness with you. Also, lots of good advice to be had here and the opportunity to meet many here face to face on occassion.


    District Overbeer

  • butalbee

    Welcome to the board!!

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Welcome, welcome, welcome . Damn, I'm having too much fun with these faces lately. Oh well, what can ya say about a granny who finds joy out of the little things in life, eh.

    I hope you will be able to check in regulary despite your parents knowledge. My friend uses a library computer if that might make a difference.

    Usually my mantra, especially to the younger one's, goes something like this: Thank goodness you have come to your senses before a lifetime has been spent.

    I'm 51 years of age and have been df since age 19. Instead of reverting into a world of drugs/alcohol I'd hope you decide to pursue an education that many of us missed out on. But then again, one is never to old to go back to school. I got most of my education from OJT...and hard knocks. I'm somewhat street savey...because I listen to our youth, and have been there and done that type thing. As many others. It's hard to bullshit a bullshitterthere I go again...

    There's a sorta irony to home schooling. I'd encourage you, that's for sure, to go for the gusto, but at my age and experience, I'm thinking home schooling for the grandchildren might not be a good avenue to pursue these days. Hell, even in this small community, the high school has a permanent resident cop on campus. What horsecrap. Yeah, our kids need that sense of security the whole time they are in the bathrooms doing their drugs...and of course there isn't a teenage pregnancy problem here...yeah, right. OMG, there I go rambling again.

    One of my greatest concern's is for our youth. I don't want to just say children because those of your age are not children...and I care deeply about you all. It's the parents that disgust me. Even then I must remember that many come from violent, controlling and shame based homes themselves. It's just as the adult, we are the responsible one now.

    So...onward and upward towards the life you can now create. That's a wonderful gift too embrace. Self responsibility. Look at our JW parents for instance. Hell, they don't have a clue about accepting responsibility because there has always been the govering body of dipshits telling them how to think and feel. No love lost from my vantage.

    My mom is 76 years old and still waiting for Jehovah to make the change. How pathetic. But I really don't miss their association because after carrying that baggage around for some 25 years, I've found freedom. Freedom does have a cost...responsibility to one self.

    To Thine Own Self be True....

    Love Ya,

    Granny; who believes in Magic because IT works.

  • imanaliento

    welcome CRR, (dress like people in the magazines?) my 14 year old would look at their mags and always point out how unreal they dressed. You may change that in time, but it will be when you decide and if you decide. take Danthemans advice, We think that this board can really help you out as well as build up self esteem. check into all the possibilities that others gave to you. be positive!

  • TTBoy

    To cover your tracts

    Goto "View" - "settings" - "general" - "delete cookies" - "delete files (delete all offline content as well)" and clear history.

    Girl friend never complained about me viewing porn after I started doing that.


  • Brummie


  • email

    Welcome to the board...

    The self-discovery process is just starting for you... hang in there buddy!


  • RandomTask

    I also reccomend Community College, get control of your life, even though the road may be slow you eventually want to get out of your parents house so you can be your own person. College will help you do this and getting into community college is easy.

  • ColdRedRain

    >goth is cool! i never had the nerve to wear it but its really stylish!

    Just make sure to not dress gothic in the summer. The black clothes get HOT!.

    As for community college, I never really thought about it, lol. I always used to think it was "Evil". (I remember hearing the evils of college when I was a little boy.)

    BTW, do you know of any XJW support groups in Minnesota? Minneapolis/Saint Paul area especially. I'm taking a trip to MN next week to forget about the crap of the WT.

    P.S. I'm glad I got a great reception here. It's so refreshing to have people actually not care what I think about the Borganization.

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