Welcome to the Board CRR
First of all let me say that I totally understand the reasons why you left. The types of attitudes you described are the hallmark of JW life. Any doubt or intense questioning of the WT is silenced. You lose any semblence of individualism; and they will rationalize anything, ANYTHING, away so long as it protects the image of the WT.
Your parents have done you a great disservice by isolating you and only exposing you to witnessized life under the guise of homeschooling; and I'm sure you realized that long before you turned 21. I suggest you start looking for educational or skill enhancing opportunities at a local community college as soon as possible. My guess is your JW relatives will try to stifle this newfound independence by denying you the financial resources you'll need to succeed. Don't let this happen......they're counting on you to fail to drive you back into the organization. Talk to a financial aid specialist at the college. They'll offer you options from student loans and grants to work study and possible part-time on campus jobs. Even with the economy as week as it is, there's still institutions out there throwing money at individuals who want to go to college and better themselves.
Don't take no for an answer......MAKE IT HAPPEN !!!!!!