welcome to me, another newbie

by fluttergirl2 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJ

    Hi and WELCOME, Flutter!!!!!!!

    It's nice to meet ya! I am a Christian now too. Isn't like a breath of fresh air?!. For me, there was nothing like learning the scriptures again w/o the WT influence. It is so clear and readable! I am a mother of two also and just like Mouthy.....above me, up there......Hi Mouthy!! I will also be at the xjw now for Jesus convention this month. It is a blast. There are many speakers and the woman who started it is Joan Cetnar, she and her husband were jw's and when they left she was shunned and lost the family fortune. There is music and food and fellowship, tons of help for new x's and it's in the mountains in the fall which is beautiful. Feel free to e-mail me for more info. I live in PA, so it's only a 2-3 hr. drive for us but people come from all over the country and some from other countries. Let me know, ok? Love, Dj / Donna

  • reubenfine

    Welcome! Be careful, this place can get really addicting! :-)

  • Lemon_Lime

    Hey Flutter,

    I'm new to the board too....I've been out for a few years, but I was born and bred in.....welcome to the board....feel free to email anytime.



  • butalbee

    Welcome to the board.

  • Dismembered


    WELCOME!!! thanks for coming please stay awhile.


  • ARoarer

    G'morning Flutter, I like your "name" This is a great place to shed the old Watchtower cobwebs in your brain. Everyone is nice here. There are disagreements but that is the thing that makes it so interesting. We were not allowed to voice our disagreements in the borg. You are free to do it here and begin to use your powers of critical thinking. Enjoy your time here while you heal.

  • bigfloppydog

    WELCOME to you fluttergirl.

  • tranquility

    Hello Flutter,

    I am a newbie as well. I left about six years ago. It was a very difficult time in my life, but am SO glad to be out now. I have come to realize that most of what I was taught is a lie, which makes it hard to believe in anything. It is hard for me to seperate what is true from what I know was propaganda. That is part of why I came here, no one else seems to understand my way of thinking. Although I have found so many supportive people "in the world" who truly care about me and my well being.

    I have two children and I am so relieved that they will not grow up in the same atmosphere of guilt that I did. I am happy knowing that they will have the opportunity to have a happy childhood and do whatever they want when they grow up.

    I love coming home on a Tuesday/Thursday night and knowing I do not have to get all dressed up and go the the KH. Fortunately for me, my family has been alittle more understanding (I'm not sure that is the most appropriate word) of my reasons for leaving.

    Well, Welcome!

    Edited by - tranquility on 10 October 2002 8:41:39

  • email

    WELCOME Flutter!!


  • Sentinel


    I'm so happy you are here! We will enjoy your posts. You've been through so much.

    Love and Light,


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