jimbob and Gumby...you said a mouthful. I used to have this "friend" who was an elder. He would discuss private, congregational/committee matters with other elders on the phone behind closed doors at his home. Problem was, this guy was in the construction trade and half-deaf. His good little Dubbie wife confided to my wife (now EX) that she could hear everything he talked about by just standing outside the door. She would always call my good little Dubbie wife with the juiciest detailed gossip you ever heard. She always knew who was getting DF'd (and why) before it was announced. Funny thing, in my final letter to the New York Headquarters where I outlined the problems that were going on, I mentioned this too..and yes you guessed it, the reply from the illustrious Service Gestapo was to completely ignore any of the problems I mentioned. Oh but they did ask that any problems that I was having would not keep me from attending meetings. They are sooo wise.