Putting a tongue in the mouth? sucking toes? the Duchess of York was critized muchly for that -To do it to an 11 yr old in my opinion isnt "fun"
As for my airing Ritas life on public line. Do you want to hear what the Jehovahs Witnesses say about me-in Canada? ALL LIES!!! I have told all those who repeat what they say about me. Give me their names I WILL sue for slander. They are NOT my brothers anymore.
I still love JWS VERY MUCH MY heart aches for them. I have MANY of them sleep here when they are ousted-& have no where to go....Every day practically I have one of them come for lunch- supper .
I still love Rita VERY Much I just think Alan is a hypocrite. If you would like to tell him that. I would be very happy- He still doesnt work. Lives off Rita... Yeah I know he drives a Disable bus ONCE in AWHILE..... Shame on him-His last wife looks awful I saw her this year in England- she didnt see me. I stayed with Rita's 2nd husband next door to her- she has to work cleaning a hospital to survive. He sent me back for more trouble........My own fault. I should not have listened to ANY MAN at all the bible told me that -----fool me!!!! Sorry to be so blunt