My neighbor told me today that last Saturday the Witnesses had been on our street. I wasn't home at the time. He said he told them about the dateline program and that he had seen the silent lambs web site. He said he didn't want any part of a religion that would do that to children. He said they didn't defend themselves they looked at him and turned down the driveway. My little "preaching" work about silentlambs is spreading. What a great neighbor I have.
Neighbor told a JW off !1
by mommy1 10 Replies latest jw friends
Hey, they can avoid us, but they can't avoid the public.
They've been denouncing Catholics for this type of behaviour for decades. It's about time they got a taste of their own medicine.
Keep up the good work mommy!!
I love getting the word out on their dirt. I have had so many of the jw's look at me like i was crazy and that they didnt know what i was talking about. Yeah right!
Nice to hear!
I was happy to know that the word was getting out to John Q. Public when I was asked to explain about my little mint green ribbon and silentlambs pin by the parking lot van driver at the airport. HE stated that the "Jehovah's Witnesses cover that stuff up, hunh?" I was happy to confirm and explain more about it. My only regret is that there weren't any other passengers in the van at the time.
Excellent, great job mommy!!!
More and more of this needs to be done; they need to hear this message over and over again because they just dont get it. They are still in a state of denial and until the governing body hears enough bad reports from the field they wont change this sick policy of protecting pedophiles over children.
As an aside, some of you know that I currently forbid my minor son from attending meetings because I strongly disagree with the Watchtowers unscriptural and un-Christian shunning and blood policies. I now add to the list their insane pedophile protection policy. Did I just coin a phrase, or does Bill Bowen own this one already? I like the sound of that, very catchy, the Watchtower Pedophile Protection Policy.
I have something planed for this weekend. I just cant wait to see the reactions from my wife and her dub friends when our cars start sporting silentlambs bumper stickers. And if she removes them she will have to explain to me why she supports pedophiles over children.
I cant wait!
Here you go honey, I just washed it and gassed it up for you, have a great day in service! LOL
Edited by - freeman on 9 October 2002 11:21:38
Freeman.. Good for you standing up for your son. It must put a real strain on your marriage having to deal with a Jw spouse. Maybe you could superglue that bumper sticker on real good, put a clear coat on top of it. Could you just see them out in service trying to scrape the thing off.
Now that's a good neighbor.
They are not able to defend themselves because they are not being TOLD what to say. So, they run away and whisper among themselves, "Persecution, Persecution, remember it was foretold this would happen!" Poor jw's, blinded by the fear of the unknown. The WT is digging its own grave. Sorry, there I go again sounding like an apostate.
Mrs. Shakita
Don't forget to count your time witnessing against the Witnesses!