I want to put the board on notice that this "kelsey007" person is a JW in good standing (possibly even several JWs posting under the same handle) and is on this board only to stir up trouble.
Every statement made here would seem to be false.
Take a close look at his posts. Every one manages to stir the pot in some way -- damning with faint praise, causing trouble for the silentlambs movement or Bill Bowen personally, or worst, downplaying the plight of victims of abuse.
After actually reading closely Kelsey's post for the last couple of weeks I would have to conclude that Alan did not take the time to personally read a significant number of Kelsey's posts. This statement is false too.
Tell me about your poor son's feet.
This is imo way over the top if what Windchaser says is true. No father should have to endure this kind of condescending sarchasm if he has had to watch his child suffer tragedy. How is your daughter these days Alan? I'm sure you wouldn't like someone making light of her car accident when that happened.
I heard you had some wiring problems the last few months. Care to enlighten the board about them?
I'd be interested in what Kelsey has to say on this too. No one likes a traitor and I almost dropped a post like you did on the board when i heard the rumor. A traitor is the lowest thing there could be.
But I decided to wait and to read his comments on the board and determined his comments were not consistent with someone who was a WT supporter or a WT "spy" (rolling my eyes).
Yes I could be wrong, but at this point in time I wouldn't be sticking my neck out on information from someone who has had some serious "misunderstandings" lately and who has been quick to jump to false conclusions. So far all of Kelsey's information seems to checking out whereas Alan's is not.
If it turns out there was indeed some "misunderstanding" regarding the "wiring problems" incident, alot more people than just Alan owe Kelsey and apology. And that comment about his son was so wrong I feel literally sick to know it was even made. I'd like to hear Kelsey's side of the incident so we can clear the air.