Lowell Mass. City Manager Says The JWs Are Welcome Anytime For Their Conventions!

by minimus 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    As a matter of fact, he plans on bringing out info to the Lowell City Council as to how much of a positive impact the conventions were, that were held in the city. Evidently, a lot of money was brought in to the city's restaurants and lodging.

    Go Witnesses!!!!

  • steve2

    Money, money, money - it's a rich man's world.

    Come back people - we love you being here. Please bring your fat wallets and spend your money, money, money in our lovely city.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds
    there isn't shit going on in lowell. i'm sure they appreciated the business.
  • _Morpheus
    Indeed. The vast majority of american cities warmly welcome large corporate conventions. This is not particularly noteworthy.
  • blondie
  • blondie
  • ToesUp
    Of course they welcome the JW's. Who doesn't like money? lol
  • punkofnice

    The JWs are generally well behaved. It's just their belief system that's poisoned.

    I am surprised the bloke thinks they'll bring money in. Possibly a bit, but you know how the JWs are told to stay in the stadium and not venture out. Hotels will get booked though.

    I'm sure the finances will be underwhelming.

    The litte children will not be buying ice creams as the glorious ones want all the cash. Then they can protect the filth that then abuses that child.

  • oppostate
    Evidently, a lot of money was brought in to the city's restaurants and lodging.

    If he only knew the WT frowns on folks going out for lunch at restaurants. When I attended there, a lot of folks were heading out at lunch time headed for the restaurants--against WT directives to not leave the premises during the day. (Either that or there were quite a few who were sick of the program and decided to go home! : - )

  • Gulf Coaster
    Gulf Coaster
    I heard this sort of thing back in my day too - the late 70's. The JWs were viewed very positively by anyone involved in the facilities they hired for their assemblies and conventions. To be fair, they are great at treating the properties with respect and cleaning up after themselves really well. That's all anyone wants whenever they rent out their property, whether it's a large convention center, or a pokey little rental house. Good tenants are worth their weight in gold.

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