I just wanted to express my thanks to all on this db for your support and bluntness when needed over the past year. Yesterday 10/8 was the 1 year anniversary of Jon's death and I spent it reflecting and just chilling out cause that's what I thought was best. One thing that came to mind was the help I recieved here and the words of sympathy and encouragement that many of you expressed after Jon passed and I just wanted to pass along my thanks again for your kindness. Without ever being a JW and only having Jon as a connection to that special little cult, I was warmly welcomed here and have been dealt with kindly and when needed also very bluntly. After that stupid drama queen stunt I pulled last spring with the whole sleeping pills crap it's a wonder any of you ever spoke to me again, but you did and I am most appreciative. It's nice to have a place to come to talk and exchange ideas and learn ALOT about the JW org with people who for the most part are kind and not too awfully eager to smack me around, verbally that is,lol. And yes I've started my fair share of "flames" most of which I regret. Again my many thanks to you all and know that your kindness and help thru the last year has been very much appreciated. With the help of some of you here I was able to share some info with one of Jons' sisters and she has since left the JW's, though I think she was on the verge of it anyway, but the extra facts helped to give her that little kick she needed to finally reclaim her life. So there's at least 1 person I know of personally that has regained her life due to the discusions on this board, and that is awesome. I applaud you all.
Take care,
(The adopted apostate)