Theresa Graves Dies

by El Kabong 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • pomegranate
  • Robdar

    "You're under arrest, sugah"

  • Mac


    you lustin' after "Our Miss Brooks"? lol

    mac, of the how old must i be to remember that class

  • breeze

    Eve Arden was a witness?

    She was great?

    I wonder what happened to her?


  • teejay

    Sorry to hear this. She was one of the few heroines of mine... for various reasons.

    Sorry to see her pass, especially in a house fire. Terrible way to go.

    *rest in peace, my Sistah*

  • chester

    I am sorry to hear about Teresa Graves.

    I remember reading her story in the awake. The newspaper article indicates that she lived the the Hyde Park area of Los Angeles.

    Is there anyone out in that area who can confirm that she stopped attending meetings a long time ago?

  • morrisamb

    Just read it in the paper up here in London, Canada. I remember her on Laugh In and Get Christie Love. It was really something to me, a Witness boy, that this star became a Witness. I remember talking about it and grownups would say, "Don't make a big deal about it. She's just like anyone else. Look how modest she is in the magazine." Even so, I still thought it was something of the stars of my make believe world becoming "one of us". She was an early role model in my books. Sorry to hear of her tragic death....

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    SixofNine 20 years ago

    I'm sure I read that story years ago, thru the eyes of a naive witness boy with a crush on Theresa Graves.Just now, it made me cry, and feel physically ill.

    'They thought I was nuts'


  • titch

    Here in the Southern California area, there is a radio station, KABC/790 AM, that has been a talk-radio station for many years. Every Sunday evening, they would have a show called "Religion On The Line". I do remember Theresa Graves being invited to expound upon the persecution of Witnesses in Malawi, and I think that she appeared on that show around 1974 or 1975. (Don't remember which year that was) But, yeah, she did come on that show, way back when. Best Regards to all.....Titch.

  • AudeSapere

    I remember watching Get Christie Love.

    This caught my attention:

    titch wrote: ... in the Southern California area, there is a radio station, KABC/790 AM, that has been a talk-radio station for many years. Every Sunday evening, they would have a show called "Religion On The Line". I do remember Theresa Graves being invited to expound upon the persecution of Witnesses in Malawi, and I think that she appeared on that show around 1974 or 1975.

    Jim Simon was an elder in my congregation (and he was one of my very favorite elders - ever).

    As 'the father of talk radio', he likely played a role in Theresa's appearance.

    Simon, Jim: KABC, 1970-76; KFI, 1976; KGIL, 1985-88; KKGO, 1991; XEKAM, 1992. Jim died June 6, 1995, of complications from diabetes, an aneurysm and a stroke. He was 61.

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