looked at a cow and said, "I think I'll squeeze those dangly things there, and drink whatever the heck comes out?"
I wonder who the first guy was that...
by pomegranate 17 Replies latest jw friends
It could have been someone who slept in the barn, noticed that the calfs were greatly enjoying it, and decided to snuzzle in there too ... then when the tank went dry, decided to squeeze out the last drop.
Big Tex
Maybe. But I wonder who was the first guy who dove down 20 or 30 feet under the ocean, grabbed an oyster, opened it up and ate the mucus-like product inside? And why?
Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemorrhoid when it's on your ass
All these deep questions. Now I can't get to sleep for all the pondering.
I suggest "Long Misty Days" by Trower and a lovely nightcap before an evening of retiring and contemplating the widths and depths of the pomegranate ponderings....
He couldn't have been a JW...otherwise he would have been DF for oral sex or beastiality.
And WHO says it was a man?? I am more inclined to think it was a female, a nursing and/or malnourished female who may have had an insufficient milk supply for her infant. My 0.05c
Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 10 October 2002 22:57:19
Probably the same guy that thought it would be a good idea to get a knife and cut the end off Mr. Happy.
I can just see him afterward running up to his buddies: "Hey guys!!! Look what I did!"
ROFLMAO...you all need electro-shock therapy, BIG TIME!