Hey Joe
I love the series on bible contridictions-
one of the cooliest things about the bible is how the God of both parts ---OT and NT changed so much, it was as if we went from Stone Cold Steve Austin to Phil Donahue
i mean even died in the wool bible believers who say that "Jesus is god"
which means by default that the jesus/god of the nt is the same dude backin the OT
check this out-- when jesus was back in the Ot he was a "Kicking A$$- taking no names kind of guy"
he was not into that "Turn the other cheek stuff" more like a George Bush kinda guy "let's go kick some Canninite Butt"
then after 400+ of saying nothing to mankind he comes back on the scene talking about "Love your enemies"
i can see the avg jew back then after reading about how their granddads fought with "General Patton, General Joshua, etc. rolling into villiages after villiages taking all that was not bolted down and even had Jesus/God tell them to take the "Virgins girls for their Booty"
now when jesus said that back in the ot as god was he talking about booty as in spoil or was he talking about "Booty" as in Booty smile
i guess it didn't matter to them anyway cause they got that Booty too
at any rate ---i can just see some jewish dude after reading the OT say :
"Hey don't mess with Jesus/god cause he will "Pimp Slap You" and then here comes the same jesus/god in the NT talking about Love and pray for your emenies-
the jew would say "Like Hell-- all the praying we are going to do is pray this this arrow don't miss your A$$---- smile
as once was stated the beleiver is "REQUIRE TO DO GYMNASTICs"
to keep from having to admit that some of the stuff in the bible is just Goofy