Anyone Read The Rise and Fall of the THIRD RIECH?

by Searchin50 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Searchin50

    I found this book truly was the worldwide best selling classic about

    the most infamous era of our time.

    Author William L. Shirer

    This work goes into explict details, about the Nazi concentration camps

    during Hitlers reign of terror.

    The thing I found to be very intersting was the Jehovahs Witnesses

    were not mentioned not even once!

    This is excellent reading, very in depth material.

    Anyone else share comments ?


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I read it many years ago... great historical book about one of the great evils in the 20th century.

  • onacruse

    I read it, twice. Have a copy in my library...planning on reading it again, and soon.

    This time, I will find it interesting to compare the control and domination tactics of Nazism to the techniques used by cults like the WTS.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Being something of a cult research nut , Ive read numerous books about Hitler, Mao and Stalin, etc.

    Shirers "third reich" is pretty much THE book to read if you want a comprehensive history of the movement. Maybe theres a better one, but if there is,I havent read it. Course, Shirers book isnt easy reading. It gets pretty dense at times in terms of depth of information.

    If you want to read a pure biograhy of Hitler , the man, Ive read many of those also Alan Bullocks "Hitler- a study in tyranny" , Ive decided, is the best of these. Purely personal opinion of course.

    Ive got some books on Nazi propaganda technique too. Interesting stuff. I especially liked Ernest Bramsteads "National Socialist Propaganda". Unfortunately, out of print. (I STOLE it from the library to add to my collection) I did a thread once quoting from Hitlers "Mein Kampf" on his views on controlling a mass movement. Nobody read it. (Sigh)

    Edited by - refiners fire on 11 October 2002 18:25:45

  • ChristianObserver

    Hello Searchin :open_mouth:)

    A very good book - but a book by a Berlin based journalist who wouldn't have had access to all the sources that modern historians do these days.

    If you're interested in the subject, I'd recommend Michael Burleigh - A New History of the Third Reich; Hitler and Stalin - Parallel Lives - by Alan Bullock; The German Dictatorship - Carl Dietrich Bracher.

  • TruckerGB

    Yes indeed,in fact I can see the book from where Im sitting now,I think it took me about 3 months to read it!.


    I have Mien Kamph also,I didnt see your thread.



    Edited by - TruckerGB on 11 October 2002 18:59:0

  • Searchin50

    Thank you all for the info. about the other books. It's been yrs. since i've read the book also.

    I certainly will get some of the ones you all recommend.

    Yes the cult likeness is very much there although,Hitler was very physical with his

    brain-washing but He got the job accomplished much faster.

    Where as JehovahsWitnesses, their brain-washing takes much longer.

    The effect in the end is identical. FEAR-FACTOR!

    It has the same lasting effect in the long run.A person may never recover

    completlely without totaly de-programing themselves, very harmful.

    I think during this time period it was called Shell-Shocked,

    same effect as if 100 mortar shells went off in your brain.

    About the same effect as leaving the J W S .

    Thanks for the info. I love history!!!!!!!!!


  • Crazy151drinker

    Erwin Rommel was a Genius. He had some balls. To bad he had to take poison.

  • Farkel

    : Ive got some books on Nazi propaganda technique too

    So do I. LOTS of them. They're all on the WD CD ROM.


  • Francois

    I read it, but only once. And I didn't read about any JWs either.

    I do remember a yearbook back in the late 50s or early 60s that went on and on about how JWs suffered under Nazi persecution in the concentration camps, too...all 255 of them. I was just heartbroken then and now.

    My desk calculator, when asked to figure the percent: 255/6,000,000 returns: 0.00. Doesn't even register. But the way the yearbook was retelling the tale, you'd think half the JWs in Germany were put away. Hm, mabe they were.

    Once was enough for TRFOTR.



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