My Dumb Ass JW Brother

by Reborn2002 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    oh kelsey...there you've said public...I guarantee you that if indeed you had done something naughty enough you would have gotten a public rebuke...make no mistake...its nice that you have dealt w/ "nice" people, but let me put it to you this way. I figure that if I get to be subjected to JWland for 17 years, including said rebuke, then I should be able to subject them to my views for at least that long...


    District Overbeer

  • breeze

    Kelsey....... shut up, you self r ighteous twit, it is his family and he feels compelled to talk about this....

    Reborn, your brother deserves to sink in his own stupidity.......this is exactly the kind of thing that I just can't stomach with the JW'S.

    I had a JW sister that was studying with my wife about fifteen years ago. This sister recommended that she quit her job and stay home with the kids and teach them the truth. Well this might be considered good advice in JW circles, at the time I was unemployed and she would have us both at the unemployment office. Of course her family was very well off financially. I should have went to her and asked could we move in with her. Just the same mentallity that you are desrcibing.

    Sorry, but don't tell someone not to talk about his feelings in this forum, that is what this is....RIGHT??


  • outnfree


    I share your frustration with family members that have no qualms about taking and also no qualms about being picky about the positions they will fill when jobless (or earning low wages)! But trust me, one does not have to be a JW to be a dumbass in this way. I know. I have personal experience dealing with similar fools.

    Also, Kelsey? I see your point, I really do. I have for years given money and emotional support to several family members. They have NEVER paid me back -- we're talking thousands of dollars here over the years, and raising the child of one of them for 7 years. Two are very ungrateful and somehow manage to insult me, nonetheless, like reborn's brother insulted him. (They don't need to grovel, they merely need to say, thanks, and not insult. Oh, and paying back $5. per paycheck wouldn't be too small an amount just in order to show good faith that I'll ever get repaid.)

    Finally, this year, I said Enough! No more. I am not holding back from my own children in order to take care of the four children who should be provided for by their own parents!!!! It was almost always for the children's sake that I helped these two, but I am just played out, finally. It gets to that point. I love them, but I will no longer be abused by them.


    I know you're missing your nephew, too.


  • Preston
    Jehovah will bless his efforts. Jehovah will provide.

    I've certainly observed this....with people who have left anyway. It really puts a monkey wrench in the beliefs of Dub-dom. (...or Dub-dumb as the case may be). I don't like giving the impression if having any sort of animosity for your brother, it's just that I know what its like to do favors for someone (regardless of their religion) and feel totally unappreciated (he could of at least said "thank you"....tell me he said thank you...). I'm sure all of us have helped a JW move....oh the memories... (sarcastic)

  • kelsey007

    I will only reply to the selfrightious part- I did admit to being in a dif world and not understanding... that makes me selfrigtious? I hope not. I just see things in a deferent way. And I expressed why I was baffled at calling ones close to you "dumbass" in public- As I stated- its not my family- reborn stood his ground and expained his view to me- that is well and I appreciated his response. I also appreciate that we do not all share the same view of the world- is it not wonderful to be away from the WT and share in free speech? I think it is.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    This reminds me of two things:

    one is the saying: "You Can't Beat A Dead Horse....well, you could, but it wouldn't do you any good."

    and two: the old joke about the guy drowning in the ocean, looking heaven word pleading with God for help. A helicopter comes along and the man ignores it thinking "god will save me". A boat comes along and the same thing happens. Lastly another helicopter comes along and the man again waves it off. Well, the man dies, goes to heaven, faces God and asks "Lord, I cried out to you to save me and I ended up dying, why didn't you answer me? And God replied "I sent you two helicopters and a boat...I can't help it if you weren't listening". "pahrump bump ching" It is so clear that his prayers were answered for a job, but completely ignored. H-E-L-L-OOOOOO.

    Reborn...I've read your posts over the past several months and all I can say is I feel real bad for you, and your little nephew is missing one heck of a great uncle....someday that will no doubt come back to haunt your brother.

    But take heart, I think one day that WILL change....

    Edited by - Double Edge on 11 October 2002 18:56:18

  • jimbob

    My wife's family are extremely staunch dubs with no college education. They have been living close to the poverty line for as long as my wife and I have known each other. (12 years) Her parents have saved nothing for retirement and are heavy in debt. And her sister and husband are the same way. Yet they continue to be martyrs for the truth saying that this is the way Jehovah's people should be, have absolutely nothing materially and put the truth first. And for as long as we've been married, we've worked full time so that we can have a home and save for retirement. But they constantly look down on us as being materialistic. I guess if owning a home and taking care of it and having decent cars is materialistic, I guess we are then...:) And then to top it off, since they're always broke, we end up giving them money (well, my wife does, and I always object to her doing it) I guess Jehovah does provide..... What a joke!!!!!

  • crownboy

    Reborn2002 said:

    In short, my brother is a fucking idiot.

    Seems about right given the situation. I'd have to believe most JW's in his situation would have taken this job and found a way to work meeting and field service around it (they'd look at this as "Jehovah providing" ). As larc suggested, perhaps your brother simply has an aversion to work, otherwise he's just a really devoted JW (the type who give demonstrations at conventions to guilt people). BTW reborn, is your father a JW? If he is, your brother is an even bigger idiot than you've stated.

    kelsey007, I think reborn is simply stating his disgust at this situation. Since no one in his family is going to read this board, this is hardly making a "public declaration" in any meaningful sense. I see the point you are trying to make, but I'm absolutely sure that reborn has done or attempts to do the things you've suggested. Also, your relationship with your family seems to be less acrimonious than Jason's with his.

  • Reborn2002

    BTW reborn, is your father a JW? If he is, your brother is an even bigger idiot than you've stated.

    Herein lies another reason I believe my brother turned it down.

    My father is disassociated as I am.

    Just to show you how screwed up my brother's thought-process is, he is on speaking terms with my Dad because he says he is obligated to do so because he is his father. He doesn't speak to me because I am merely his brother who does not live under the same roof.

    he's just a really devoted JW (the type who give demonstrations at conventions to guilt people).

    HARDCORE is an understatement. His wife is a regular pioneer who has visited Bethel for the tours a hundred times. He kisses so much ass his lips should smell like shit. He wants to be an elder. It's only a matter of time.

    but I'm absolutely sure that reborn has done or attempts to do the things you've suggested.

    I have.

    Also, your relationship with your family seems to be less acrimonious than Jason's with his.

    I believe so as well.

  • larc

    Jimbob, your story remined me of one of my own. First, I have to give a little background. My grandfather was not a Witness, and thought the whole thing was a bunch of foolishness. All four of his sisters were Witness as well as his daughter who was my mother. Well, one of his sisters worked at Bethel, lived at Beth Sarim after Rutherford died until the mansion was sold. After that she pioneered in San Diego. Well, she came back to visit family in Akron, Ohio around 1955. I was 15 at the time. The family met for lunch. After our meal, my unbelieving grandfather gave his pioneer sister a hundred dollars. Today that would be a gift of at least 500 dollars. Later on, JW members commented on my grandfather's gift as a "gift from Jehovah". Even though I was a true believer at the time, that really bothered me. It was not a gift from Jehovah. It was a gift from my grandfather.

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