oh now come on..........this forum is seriously losing credibilty..............Are you seriously accusing 5 members on the governing body of child abuse?.....ok, many of you had bad experiences with the JW faith and I don't mean to be-little that, but how far will some of you go? Sometimes I wonder if your motives are quite right, you know this echos much of what I felt about how some jumped on the Franz/Bowen bandwagon in the last few days, from what I read Bill Bowen seemed to be adulated here, then BAM! he stepped onto Ray Franz ' turf.....and all hell broke loose. Accusations flying all over the place....... I wonder who really does tell the Truth still these days, this forum is becoming ridiculous with accusations.
5 G.B members accused..............
by ScoobySnax 22 Replies latest jw friends
why are you trying to stir something up again? put a period and move on.
Iman.....I'm not trying to stir up anything.....I'm just asking the forum some points as I see it (IMHO of course)
Only Bill Bowen and the Silenlambs Organization know the details of these allegations.
Names and details of the five members of the GB who are alleged to be child molesters seems to be one of those unsubstantiated allegations going around lately. Hopefull Bill Bowen himself led a monk's life as a single man and after marriage was a saintly husband, because many times what goes around comes around.
Thanx I.W. A voice of reason, my faith is almost restored! Unsubstantiated accusations seem to be becoming the norm here lately, sort of sensationalism don't you think? and why? seems some will try anything to bring the GB down even if that means spouting false nonscense.
I so not know anything about those accusations, but i do know i have my own personal experience. I was raped and told not to report it to the police. The brother walked away scott free, raped again and then they got himD/F him and reinstated him.. he then moved and no one was ever told of his past. Who knows what this man has done since. So, i know Bill is not spouting total BS.
Sam Beli
Wednesday, have you talked with Kim Norris, the Attorney?
Are you trolling?
SS.......I am a TROLL!!
Hi Scooby,
You said:
Unsubstantiated accusations seem to be becoming the norm here lately, sort of sensationalism don't you think? and why? seems some will try anything to bring the GB down even if that means spouting false nonscense.
I agree. Everyone needs to get all their FACTS straight before Posting something serious.
And, if someone doesn't have all the facts, at least they should add something like "This is my opinion" or "I have heard this" etc.
I try to be very, very careful about what I say to people and about people.
I also try not to get involved very much in "Flame Wars".
Remember though, the Apostle Paul got into a heated disagreement with another Brother once, but they made up like Real Christians do.