Thanksgiving seems to be a perfect example of how lots of JWs make a BIG STINKING ISSUE out of just about ANYTHING you can possibly imagine. To me, it seemed totally blown out of proportion. They'll equate Thanksgiving to offering worship to the crop gods if they're fanatical enough. The whole issue boils down to "How do we (JWs) make as many people as possible feel like idiots and completely uncomfortable for what they do, so we can make ourselves feel superior to them?"
If there's a "pagan" history of anything, JWs will find it. However, like the pagan practices surrounding weddings (the rings, the white dress, the attendants, the honeymoon, the flowers), a lot of JWs will conveniently ignore the pagan background and enjoy the "celebration" anyway.
I knew several JWs who would have a family gathering on Thanksgiving Day, complete with a huge turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Their "reasoning"?? It's a holiday, so there's a long weekend, which makes it a good opportunity to get together with family and friends. There's a long weekend in September, when they could do the same, but do they?? Of course not. There's another long weekend in August when they could have a turkey dinner if they wanted and get together with relatives and friends if they wanted, but do they?? Nope.
The only reason we ever had Thanksgiving dinners when I was growing up was because my non-JW grandparents had everyone visit (their wedding anniversary was around the same time of year - which was the "official" excuse my parents used to justify our attendance) at their home. I seriously doubt that I would have ever gotten to know any of my cousins or non-JW relatives if it weren't for that yearly gathering.
Love, Scully