Has anyone else seen this movie? Dave initially thought it was a "chick flick" but so many men recommended it, he decided to go too. He died laughing all the way through it. It was just so good. Probably every person there could relate in some way to the numerous situations developed in the HUGE family, and as former JW's, we could relate to the wedding, the father's reaction to Tula's choice of a husband, and whether it could be in the Greek Orthodox Church, who could be in it, and so on.
One really good line in it (the main character's brother said it to her, about being Greek, but could apply to us as former JW's too): "Don't let your being raised Greek, define who you are, but let it enhance who you have become." We often resent having been raised as JW's, but some people have reminded us of the benefits too..........Dave and I would likely have never met, and we wouldn't have the children we have...............extended family, etc. There are some other good things too. It was a nice reminder. We both thought it was pretty profound.
AND!!! We learned all you really need is Windex.
Edited by - mulan on 12 October 2002 17:1:57