My Big Fat Greek Wedding

by Mulan 10 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Mulan

    Has anyone else seen this movie? Dave initially thought it was a "chick flick" but so many men recommended it, he decided to go too. He died laughing all the way through it. It was just so good. Probably every person there could relate in some way to the numerous situations developed in the HUGE family, and as former JW's, we could relate to the wedding, the father's reaction to Tula's choice of a husband, and whether it could be in the Greek Orthodox Church, who could be in it, and so on.

    One really good line in it (the main character's brother said it to her, about being Greek, but could apply to us as former JW's too): "Don't let your being raised Greek, define who you are, but let it enhance who you have become." We often resent having been raised as JW's, but some people have reminded us of the benefits too..........Dave and I would likely have never met, and we wouldn't have the children we have...............extended family, etc. There are some other good things too. It was a nice reminder. We both thought it was pretty profound.

    AND!!! We learned all you really need is Windex.

    Edited by - mulan on 12 October 2002 17:1:57

  • DanTheMan

    I saw it and yes I laughed my a$$ off all the way through it too. I had forgotten about the Windex!

    The interesting thing about the movie is that it is based on the true life story of the girl who plays the lead (Nia Vardalos). She was a starving actress in L.A. (no roles for average-looking Greek chicks in Hollywood). She wrote a little play about her life that she was performing at a local dinner theater. Word got around that it was pretty good. So Tom Hanks' wife decides on a whim to go see this funny girl at the dinner theater that somebody had told her about. She sees it, loves it, and approaches her after the show and tells her that she should make a movie out of it. Nia tells her that she has a script, but all the major studios had turned her down. Well, you can guess what happened from there.

    The thing I liked about the movie was that the female lead was not played by an anorexic implanted dyed-blond fluff doll. A refreshing change.

    It doesn't take too much of an imagination to draw parallels between the Greek family in the movie and a large extended JW family. Just less dark and more real, not so cuckoo like JW.

    Edited by - dantheman on 12 October 2002 14:44:9

  • wasasister

    Agree completely with the above, especially Dantheman's assessment of the lead actress. She is beautiful, but not in the cookie-cutter style of most Hollywood actresses. Great casting.

    And...John Corbett is not hard to look at!

  • jimbob

    Hi Marilyn. My wife and I saw it last weekend. And I guess great minds do think alike. I was thinking the exact same thing when that statement was made about being Greek defining who you are. It was actually very good advice to apply to oneself upon leaving the JW's. My wife and I have talked quite a bit about it. We both know there are things about ourselves we will never change because of how we are raised. And we're okay with that. So we are going to try and apply that statement to ourselves.......and hopefully, we'll become even better people.

    PS I thought it was a chick flick myself, but everybody talked about how good it was, so I went. LMAO!!!

  • Shakita

    I LOVED This movie. And the best thing about it was I could bring my 10 year old to see it with my husband and myself. We all loved it. Need more intelligent movies for the whole family!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    I just loved the movie. As a matter of fact, everyone in my family, cynical teenagers included, loved it. Wonderful film.

  • Mac

    great flick, and i ain't no chick!


  • Princess

    I just got home from seeing it. Great!

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Hmmmm..I have been hearing ravs about this movie for weeks. My daughter was just commenting that we need to go to the movies. My response was that there aren't many films we can see together. Either the subject matter is too "extreme" for her age (11) or it's geared towards kids and I can barely pay attention. I will have to check this one out.



  • Mulan

    BG, I think an 11 year old would love this movie.

    One of the things I really loved about it, was that it was happy all the way through.

    The conflicts were small and didn't tug at you. No violence, no obscenities, no graphic sex and just happy, happy, and SO funny.

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