scooter, you always can have a bear hug from me, one for ever holiday especialy
by scootergirl 150 Replies latest jw friends
scooter, you always can have a bear hug from me, one for ever holiday especialy
Come on Ballistic! Just waiting for your information........
To all who live outside of the United States...........SIGN UP! We have lots of people from all over the world that have already signed up!
....does Mother's Day, Father's Day, Mother-in-Law Day, Sister's Day, Veterans Day, Columbus Day, Memorial Day, Arbor Day, President's Day, Ash Wednesday, Passover, Good Friday, Daylight Savings Time (? okay, this may be questionable), Professional Secretaries Day, Armed Forces Day, Flag Day, Canadian Civic Holiday, Rashashana, Yom Kippur, National Boss Day, United Nations Day, Election Day, Canadian Boxing Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day count as holidays that warrant me a bear hug? If so, hot damn!
basicly every day that ends in y counts .....hows that
PS ....bttt
Ballistic! Send the info. I also stated that I had no problem sending a gift overseas.
*Hoping I get Ballistic so I can make him one of my ornaments*
Edited by - BeautifulGarbage on 15 October 2002 21:56:7
I will see what I can do about that, Andee!
just bttt before i hit the hay!
Merry Christmas! Count me in
Yeah, RevMalk! That is the spirit!