Talk by a Branch Overseer

by Defender 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    As long as the music grinder keeps playing, the monkey will keep dancing.


  • Dia


    That was utterly beautiful.

    It would make a great flyer to distribute to JWs and the JW-curious.

  • jack2

    Interesting discussion, good points made by Defender and Cygnus.

  • footprints


    Well written and well defended. Thanks for the update. It makes since that the WT is playing the same old song. It has worked well for them for over a hundred years. They care nothing about the people they have lied to and hurt.

  • JT

    While all the above may sound impressive and may appeal to the uninformed, however there is one tiny problem with all of this.


    i love this little line ONE TINY PROBLEM THE MESSAGE great post


    cynus I love you man but watching you defend wt has me cracking up

    when i read your post and you were using as JR Brown told us when i was at bethel Writing Dept GET AWAY WORD OR BACKDOOR WORDS

    perhaps, maybe, could be, possible, appears to be , etc

    hey Cygnus, this is the only problem with your line of reasoning

    the WT doesn;t teach what you stated and we all know they don't allow the same leeway for other religions, remember the truth book dogged anyone who had dogmas wrong , of course they , like you want to give them a waiver-

    kinda reminds me of the US Congress- did you know that many of the laws that appy to you and i and biz, etc dont; apply to congress, instead them make rules that you and i and folks in biz must live and die by yet they don't have to live by the very rules they make

    sorta like wt

  • els

    Haven't they used that marching around seven times on the seventh day bit for a very long time? I'm almost 42 and I remember that from when I was a teenage, trying to inspire us to do more preaching. They must be very tired of marching by now. els

  • Cygnus


    If one takes the Bible seriously, one should understand that the people God used all through its pages were a bunch of screwups. The WT organization is no different.


    I think the WT is as full of crap as anybody. My point is accusations against JWs by people who allege to believe in "God's Word" are very often hypocritical. They seem to think that God is immutable and the ones he uses ought to be completely free from making mistakes and teaching error. The Bible indicates otherwise.

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