It took many years of thinking I had depression and being on anti-depressants (which just made it worse) before I was diagnosed as Bi-polar. Finally, I had a medication that actually helped. Like everyone has mentioned, I struggle everyday with taking my Lithium, either just forgetting it and wondering why I'm feeling so wacked, or purposely not taking it because I'm in such a spiffy mood.
Anyhow, regarding the viewpoint of the organization. My mother has depression, my oldest sister has SAD, and myself am bi-polar. I have been out of the org or seven plus years now, but I recall being looked down upon because I wasn't "normal" (hah, like anyone was/is). I once heard some teenagers at the hall talking about how I was a freak because I was so moody, and how the whole family is just weird because "they're all on drugs for some mental weakness". Yeah, nothing like a boost to a 17 year old that's debating on whether to kill herself.
Needless to say, I wasn't treated well for many reasons, but once my depression kicked in, it seemed to incease. I recall a couple brothers talking to my mom at one of our stupid sheparding calls and asking how our mental health was going. When my mom said she was taking a specific med and that I was seeing a counselor, they were not happy. I swear, they tried every trick in the book to get my mom and myself off meds and not talking to anyone about anything. They did the "you're not relying on Jehovah. You're playing right into Satan's hands" and so on.
I'm told the attitude has changed, and I know they've had articles on acceptance of such things, but we all know how hypocrital they can be; printing one thing, and acting the other way.
The best of luck with your life. I would suggest picking up a copy of "Moodswing" by ROnald R. Fieve, M.D. It had helped me immensely, especially comming to terms with why I've done and still struggle with certain things in my life.
Take care,