As most if not all of the 187 people killed in the Bali bomb attack were NOT jehovahs Witnesses, none of them probably had a chance of surviving Armageddon (TM), which, as a D.O. pointed out recently, is due to begin any MINUTE (TM) now!!!
So now, thanks to the Bali terrorists, these 187 people now have basically won the Lotto! They have each received a GUARANTEED Entry ticket to the New System (TM), no questions asked! Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. They are in! They never went to a meeting, they never spent hours pointlessly walking the streets selling magazines, they never answered at a Book study. But they get a one-way ticket to the new system for FREE!!
Those lucky lucky bastards!
And as we know that its Jehovahs will for ALL to get in the New System, could it be possible the terrorists are working for him?