Freeminds and the original H2O.
As blondie said, it was their own publications that first got me doubting. The "Greatest Man" book really showed up their flaws, when compared to what Jesus really said.
by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends
Freeminds and the original H2O.
As blondie said, it was their own publications that first got me doubting. The "Greatest Man" book really showed up their flaws, when compared to what Jesus really said.
Anybody remember "The Free Zone"?
That was the one I really enjoyed.
It even had articles that could be submitted by board members.
I really miss that site....
I got an understanding of WT material from long years reading old publications in hard copy.
As to websites,Ive looked at a number. I think the reason I hang out here is because its run by Simon, a man deserving enormous respect as a man of balance and fairness. If he ever moves on and the trolls take over, I would bow out.
I mostly lurked here and at freeminds, but COC and ISOCF cinched it for me.
AOL chat room for ex jws and H2O. This site too but more to help me stay out, as I had already learned the truth when I found this forum.
None, I left in 1985 at the age of 16 with no books or Internet just the ability to think on my own! But I like this site
Canadian Overbeer
I spent a few days perusing before I started looking at other sites. It has changed a lot since then.
Throw in 30 years of waiting for jehovah to fix the corruption I saw 'in his own due time' and the fact that I was asked to lie in court about a scandal that involved a wrongful death, two suicides and my friend's murder and I sort of had a crisis.
((((((((((((((((((((Ravyn)))))))))))))))))))), I wish you would tell everyone here the whole story as you posted it on H2O.
I first remember you talking about this in the AOL chat room. (My screen name was Luv2Shari on AOL.) You went through such a hard time. I can't even emagine how you had the strength and courage to do so.
I'm glad to see you joined this forum. I've lost touch with most of my aol friends except for the ones who have paltalk. Nice to see one more.