comforter says:
"do it bother you that the kingdom ministry is copyrighted material? you breaking the law."
this is the type of post i often show to NONJW to give the chance to see just how a JW thinks and mindset is.
This poster only illustrates the problem that most jw have- they can't see the forest for the trees
like when barbara andersen said she saw files of childabuse cases the avg response What was THIS SISTER doing reading them,
while NONJW were saying I can't believe that the wt has on RECORD MEN WHO ARE KNOW CHILD MOLESTERS and never turned them in even in states they are required to do so.
I often have said that posters like Comforter play a vital role here on sites like this, they provide stuff that we could not even make up on jw,
as they say fact is stranger than fiction
Comforter please i beg of you continue to post and allow NONJW to see just how jw think, speak and reason when they are in the Privacy of their homes away from other jw who could turn them into the local elders