What can you tell me about this painting?

by Esse quam videri 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OrphanCrow
    Witness My Fury: Hitler had a strange blonde fetish for a black haired dude me thinks

    Artists depicting the Christ child as blonde is not unusual. There are many paintings that do so - the Christ child was often painted with blonde hair - Hitler's painting was only following an established tradition.

    Giovanni: Madonna With Doves:

    (Mary's robe is blue in the actual painting)

    Giovanni: Angel With Madonna

    Xanthippie: It's traditional to paint the madonna's dress in blue FMF.

    Historically, blue was a rare and expensive pigment and, unlike other colors readily available for the artists' palette, blue was reserved for royalty or people of wealth. Therefore, blue pigment came to be associated with the sacred.

    I am curious as well as to why the OP wants to know what other people know about this painting. Obviously, the OP had a purpose for posting it but is reluctant to reveal what that purpose is.

  • _Morpheus
    So we get left on the hook for knowing what the deal is with the hitler pic...? Ripoff!
  • kaik
    In countries north of the Alp that were under Catholic control, blond baby Jesus was rather normal. There are also different Madonna and Jesus baby depiction as a black woman with child called Black Madonna. There are dozens of medieval and baroque depiction ranging from Polish Czechstochowska to Guadeloupe. There are no unified depictions and colors of Madonna from the same country at the same century. Bohemian Gothic between 1300 and 1400 depicts them in blue, red, or golden colors..
  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge
    I have read Hitler's artwork was horrible and so bad. But looking at some of his artwork I think for an amateur artist his work isn't that bad. The man was evil, but I think his paintings were better than what most people could do.
  • Ruby456

    imo material safety and security are the first things that the painting generates via the kingdom having been established on earth (the crown in the background). The cultivated fields stretch for miles indicating material prosperity?

    Mother and child have maybe picked some flowers and are now safely resting in bliss. It is rather like a depiction of new system conditions except that this scene was painted by Hitler who engineered ethnic purging - something Jehovah also intends for Jehovahs witnesses in that only people who speak the one pure language with survive into the new sys - omg

  • kaik

    pity that A.H. did not stick with his paintings.. world would be better place.

    If there were three people in the history that should not be born, he is one of them., second is Stalin, and third is Ghenghis Khan.

  • jwleaks
    I see a picture of a 'virgin' Jewish woman, Mary, holding a 'messianic' Jewish child, Jesus, painted by a 'hater' of Jewish people, Adolf Hitler.
  • Bonsai
    I see two people and also a glowing square in the background disturbing what would have been a nice scenic picture of a field dotted with asters and tall reeds.
  • Half banana
    Half banana

    The young Hitler lost his mother to breast cancer when he was seventeen about the time he twice failed his art college entrance exam. I guess that the painting was made about this time, i.e. after 1907. He has used the subject of Madonna and Child in Renaissance colours to project his own tender feelings for his late mother for whom he dutifully cared in her last days. He had already lost his father and one brother. The painting is optimistic in its light tones and bright colours but conventional and sentimental, derivative and with a slightly unsettled composition. Cropping the overpowering daisies (symbol of innocence) on the left would make for a better balance including a reduction of green which is too dominant for a picture of harvest and sunlight. It is the work of someone who has some familiarity of the techniques and symbolism in painting, with a sound understanding of spatial depth. It was clear from the relationship he had with his mother that he was capable of feeling for others; however, it seems that it was limited to within his own family. He saw the outside world only in connection with himself, hence perhaps self-identifying with the Christ-child. There is, in the sun’s rays and the ethereal temple, a hint of messianic hope. But who was going to be the messiah?

  • fukitol
    The strange golden glowing cubic temple in the sky is rather reminiscent of certain renderings of the heavenly Jerusalem shown in some Watchtower publications.

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