For All You Bibliophiles Out There...

by Valis 12 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Valis

    I found this site that claims to have over a million used books at any given time...just thought I would share w/you all.


    District Overbeer

  • MegaDude

    Good site.

    Also I recommend for finding good prices on used books. They also carry used videos, games, music, DVDs.

  • Farkel


    : I found this site that claims to have over a million used books at any given time...just thought I would share w/you all.

    I've been to Powell's. It's in Portland, Oregon and is the largest book store in the West. It's bigger than anything in Los Angeles, San Diego or Seattle. It has ACRES of books.

    When I was there, I asked if they had any books on Unix. They said yes, and give me directions to find that section. "That section" on Unix alone was an entire ROOM of books on that subject! I kid you not. They have everything there. Someone once mentioned that there is a book store in Japan that is something like twenty stories high, but for the USA, Powell's is a great resource.


  • borgfree

    Thanks Valis,

    An ex-jw recommended two books, "Who Wrote the Bible" and "Portrait of Jesus" I ordered both of them through Amazon. I was later told one was sent to the wrong place and would be sent to me when they got it back, something like a month ago. The other one, I was told, they no longer had.

    I will try the one you posted.

    Thanks again.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    groooaaaannnnn Do you really have to feed my addiction??? HMMMM??

  • xenawarrior

    Lee- I was thinking the same thing!!!! And this after a very expensive trip last week to Barnes and Noble. Yikes!!! Thanks Val!

    XW, of the "bookworm" class

  • Dutchie

    They even have a copy of the NWT for $10.95.

    Thanks Valis.

  • Valis

    Glad I could be of help. A quick search on their site got 76 hits for Jehovah....some crazy books I never heard of...but many are out of nice thing though is they have a notification feature that will let you know if and when they get the book in.


    District Overbeer

  • gumby


    An ex-jw recommended two books, "Who Wrote the Bible" and "Portrait of Jesus

    I cannot think of two books that would cover my questions, more than these. You sound about the same spot in your spiritual life as myself.

    I'll try Powell's and see.

    Thanks Valis....and Fark

  • gumby

    Some stuff I!

    Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literallyby Marcus J. Borg

    Synopsis A growing number of Christians are unwilling to abandon the modern world of science and critical thinking in order to believe. Leading biblical expert Marcus Borg offers them a bold new understanding of scripture that respects both tradition and reality.... ( read more )

    Your price $14.95
    (New - Trade Paper)

    check for used and sale copies

    In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesisby Karen Armstrong

    Publisher Comments "KAREN ARMSTRONG IS A GENIUS." --A. N. Wilson As the foundation stone of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, The Book of Genesis unfolds some of the most arresting stories of world literature--the Creation; Adam and Eve; Cain and Abel; the sacrifice of... ( read more )

    Your price $14.00
    (New - Trade Paper)

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    The Harlot by the Side of the Road: Forbidden Tales of the Bibleby Jonathan Kirsch

    Publisher Comments "The stories you are about to read are some of the most violent and sexually explicit in all of Western literature. They are tales of human passion in all of its infinite variety: adultery, seduction, incest, rape, mutilation, assassination, torture... ( read more )

    Your price $14.95
    (New - Trade Paper)

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    The Roots of the Problem and the Personby John P. Meier

    Publisher Comments In this definitive book on the real, historical Jesus, one of our foremost biblical scholars meticulously sifts the evidence of 2,000 years to portray neither a rural magician nor a figure of obvious power, but a marginal Jew.... (read more)

    Your price $42.50
    (New - Hardcover)

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    Don't Know Much about the Bible: Everything You Need to Know about the Good Book But Never Learnedby Kenneth C. Davis

    Publisher Comments Nine out of ten Americans own a Bible, but how much do they know about the one book that has influenced human history more than any other? Don't Know Much About the Bible by New York Times bestselling author Kenneth C. Davis is designed to illuminate... (read more)

    Your price $25.00
    (New - Hardcover)

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    The Great Code: The Bible and Literatureby Northrop Frye

    Synopsis Literary critic Northrop Frye examines the Bible through myth and symbol, finding patterns in and correspondences between the Old and the New Testaments.... ( read more )

    List Price $13.00
    Your price $6.95
    (Used - Trade Paper)

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    The Hidden Face of Godby Richard Elliott Friedman

    Publisher Comments Bestselling author Richard Elliott Friedman, whose Who Wrote the Bible? was an intriguing took at the origins of the Bible, takes on another momentous theme for the third millennium "to point the way toward a possible final reconciliation of science and... ( read more )

    Your price $16.00
    (New - Trade Paper)

    check for used and sale copies

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