Shooting the works

by seven006 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    I refuse to fall for your ruse. You are trying to get us to use up our posting limits! Then if a deep and insightful thread is started ( a common occurrence here as we all know) we will not be able to post on it. You are a troll! That's it!

    You have been discovered, troll!


  • WildHorses
    I'm sick and tired of women only looking at me as a sex object.

    Even if I do all the work and let you just enjoy?

    Wanted to ad that now would be a good time because I am still vibrating from using that damn weed eater.

    I can't believe how weak my arms are after using it.

    Edited by - Lilacs on 14 October 2002 19:15:46

  • seven006


    Yep that's it, I am a watchtower spy. They pay me to make you use up your post limit. I only come to this board to cause fighting among all of you evil apostates. It is part of the deal I made to get reinstated. I want to go back to being a JW so I can fine another frigid woman to marry and drive me up a fricken wall. I want to be an elder damn it so I can have my own congregation to manipulate into having me over for dinner so I can sell them new Amway supplies.

    I have been found out. Farkel and I were going to go back together. He wants to be a full time pioneer again. He misses not working for living.


    <<<Even if I do all the work and let you just enjoy?>>>

    Define "work."


  • BeautifulGarbage

    My six year old son JUST made this announcement: "Mom! I'm on crack!"


    Ok, before everyone blows a brain cell, the kid was practicing his spelling words. Of which one is "crack" as in "shack" "snack", etc.

  • WildHorses

    Ok Seven, you got me there. It is not work, it's pleasure. What I meant though, is that you could just lay there and let me work my magic.

  • nilfun

    careful seven, she has a weed-whacker and knows how to use it.

  • WildHorses

    nilfun, you picked the wrong name for yourself. Instead of nilfun, you should have chose fulloffun. You have me rolling over with laughter.

  • nilfun

    ..then again, Seven might be into that kinda stuff, if ya know what I mean....

  • WildHorses

    True, true.

    Seven, are you into that kinky kinda loving?

  • nilfun

    Hey Lilacs, "just another manic Monday" ....will be back to my usual morose self by tomorrow...

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